Monday, April 14, 2008

Doesn't this photo crack you up??

Jessica Simpson is still recognizable, but, real sister Ashlee was obviously given up for adoption somewhere along the road to fame or traded for another child who could lip sync and dance a mean jig.


Anonymous said...

Is that Ashlee or Eddie Deezen?

Anonymous said...

I think it's really cute. Jess hasn't changed much, Ashlee however has had a great deal of growing up & changing & help from plastic surgery and braces! They don't look like they'd grow up & become famous for anything, do they? They are cute & normal looking, matchy-matchy sisters!!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard the rumor that Ashlee is prego???????

Anonymous said...

yep! Just heard that one! Wow! She's young too, 23. But he's what 28? He's old enough. But Pastor Simpson must be proud now, eh?

Anonymous said...

They both looked beter without all of the plastic surgery.

NOW! I didn't say they had talent or a brain!