Monday, April 14, 2008

Katie is sick and too skinny

Gossipists are claiming Tommy Girl is worried because his robot is copying Posh's 900 calorie a day diet and is sick and thin. He wants Katie to stop hanging out with VB and eating nothing but frozen grapes and soy beans.
Oh, please. All his wives have been tall and skinny, he likes that because it photographs well. And nothing is cooler than having famous friends. Right, Tiny Tom? Remember when Katie had the baby and he put her on a training program right away, demanding that she be thin for the wedding? If she's sick now, it's because she finally stopped shopping long enough to actually look down at him and think "OMG." She married a fruitcake.


Anonymous said...

who cares? Posh dumped her ass anyway, she's a looney like Tommy girl so Posh is hanging out with Kate Beckinsale now. Can't blame her. Tommy probably wouldn't let Katie out of his sight for a sec. I couldn't be friends with someone with a control freak husband either. Emphasize the word "freak". He's f'g scary. Couldn't deal with that either.

Anonymous said...

Scientology tapes blare out of loudspeakers in her indoc room as soon as she enters, the shades open up to a picture of the galaxy with a hidden shot of L.Ron Hubbard teaching Jesus about Scientology. She looks like she is trying desperately to communicate everytime someone takes a picture when she is out with the rest of us suppresive types.

Anonymous said...

She's skinny because he makes her too nauseous to eat.


cupcake said...

What is wrong with frozen grapes and soybeans

Anonymous said...

cupcake said...
What is wrong with frozen grapes and soybeans

yeah...on a cupcake!!!! Right?

Anonymous said...

i think Katie was pretty normal before being friends with Posh she ate like a normal person, but Posh has been influencing her in a wrong way, telling her that eating makes u fat which is a lie! of course eating doesnt make u fat at all u just have 2 eat appropiately!!