Monday, April 14, 2008

Cate's a boy!

Cate Blanchett gave birth to her third son yesterday, in Australia. Cate and her husband, Andrew Upton named the new baby Ignatius Martin Upton. Her other boys are Dashiell John, 6, and Roman Robert, 3. Ignatius? I guess they can call him Iggy, right? Congrats.


Anonymous said...

My older brother (deceased) his name was Ignacio. He was born alive but died from complications shortly after. My parents barely had time to see him before they decided to have him baptized in the hospital chapel before he died. Ignacio was a name the doctor thought of on the spot.

Dirty Disher said...

I'm sorry anon. That's a sad story.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Cate!

and Thank-You * Cate* for not pimping your kids or pregnancies out like brangelina, j-low & Christina. I guess when you're a talented actress who has a ton of class & integrity, you don't have to be a media whore.

Anonymous said...

Cate is beautiful and I like the name Ignatius. It's a very strong and respectful sounding name.

Anonymous said...

anon @ 9:16 said:
"and Thank-You * Cate* for not pimping your kids or pregnancies out like brangelina, j-low & Christina. I guess when you're a talented actress who has a ton of class & integrity, you don't have to be a media whore."

Absolutely right. Isn't it refreshing?
I like Cate more all the time.