Monday, April 14, 2008

Obligitory Brit post

Yawn..Britney was putting on makeup while driving and rear ended some dude on the 101 Freeway in LA Saturday night. The guy she hit, then hit another car which was not damaged. No one was hurt, and she wasn't drunk. Poontang can't drive and we all know it. But, she likes to drive, so she will drive. And put on makeup while she does it. She's Britney, she will do whatever the fuck she likes.
She got some new fake hair. Like it? It looks like she snatched it off Malibu Barbie.


Anonymous said...

Gawd!!! Here we go again! Her hair looks ok. It's looked worse. Maybe she was on her way to see Adnan at the hospital after he was (supposedly) stabbed. not at all surprised somebody would stab him, shocked it hasn't happened sooner!

Anonymous said...

how long you think her real hair is by now? about to her ears or just below her ears? I wonder. She eff's with it so much it might never grow back.

Anonymous said...

I see cars running red lights at intersections at least once a week when I drop my nieces off at school!!. I swear my knees get weak when I think about my sister or her husband driving home and getting hit by these morons applying make-up or reading the paper.

cupcake said...

2003 hair