Sunday, April 13, 2008

Life lessons with shopping

You asked what I got when I went shopping with my Aunt. I got just what I bargained for. Oh, I bought tons of stuff, according to the rules it all had to be spent on fun shopping. I bought a new optical mouse, a nice one, two phones, a stainless mod teakettle, a handbag, earrings and necklaces, 6 bras (good ones), a pedi set, printer ink, bathrobe, a blouse, a golf set for the kid, a lamp, a rug, movies, a bunch of junk too. It was awesome. Here's the deal..
This old lady had ulterior motives. I knew what they were from the getgo. She even started not preaching Jesus in the car to distract me. You know, like, "I'm not going to preach to you, honey, because Jesus was real and you're bright enough to know that." Bla dee bla..I smirked because we both knew this trip wasn't about her concern over my immortal soul. Besides, I'd just spelled the day before for a little spending cash, and here's this old lady dropping hundred dollar bills like they're used tissues. So if she wanted confirmation of a higher power from me, she was shit out of luck. Her distraction technique is flawless to the less dubious, but, a waste of time on me.
Finally, she got around to the real deal..she loves gambling, she needs a gambling partner who drives. Auntie is around 90 and she wants to have fun before she croaks and she has cash. She started asking me if I thought Jesus would be against gambling. I told her I thought young Jesus played games in the temples with those old dudes. Like I give a fuck what Jesus thinks anyhow, but, I think I read that in her "good" book that time I tried to read it and got pissed over all the begatting and begotting and begetting. Moses and Noah were busy frickers, weren't they? Anyway, if Jesus approves of gambling then my Aunt is one happy old woman. And if he doesn't, she'll make it right with him later. It's called tipping.
So, after buying my company because I am obviously a big ho (a big Pagan ho)..she lays it out. I can take her to "The Boat" and I will be well paid. We can also fly to Vegas and I will be well paid. She knows I hate gambling and casinos, they bore the crap out of me. She pays people to like her. My problem is, I DO like her (sort of, sometimes), she's devious and cunning and manipulative and smart..and fun to figure out. But, if I go gambling, it will be for the money. I don't think I can put up with the boredom. But, never say never, right? Go ahead, tell me you wouldn't do it, because YOU have morals and scruples. I'll bet if I explained to her how I need a new laptop to blog from Vegas..okay, enough. My brain hurts.


Anonymous said...

So go gambling with your aunt, already! Keeping a lonely old lady company is very good karma; doesn't matter whether you're getting paid to do it or not. Besides, it wouldn't be boring if you win, would it? Personally, I'd go in a heartbeat. Besides, if nothing else, you'll come back with a thousand wonderful stories to share with your loving readers :)

PS: I obviously need a new spell. When I try it, all I ever get back is bills!

PSS: Would you believe that it's actually SNOWING again here in Montreal!?


Anonymous said...

it always amazes me how people can justify doing i know 'christians' who cheat on their spouses....but no no to them they feel it's okay (though i don't think it's okay no matter what your beliefs are....)...

slot machines are fun, but i'd be bored and have a sore arm after about an hour....the people watching in vegas would be REALLY interesting....or even on a would be interesting people watching, but after an hour or 2 i'd end up interviewing people to find out why they're there, why they're spending all that money, etc....

the odds are against you gambling and when you win big, it's best to STOP....

personally i'd say no thanks but offer to take her to the airport/bus stop...i bet there's bus trips to the river boat casinos...

Anonymous said...

i would go in a skinny minute because i love vegas!!!!

i would work a deal out that she can gamble but we must go to shows at night or if she doesn't want to than i would go.

also, we would have to stay at a nice hotel. Caesars or Beligio or better yet the Wynn(haven't stayed there yet!)


Anonymous said...

Great story! I'm glad you got some nice new stuff! Shiny objects beat out a preachy relative's griping anyday. :-)

Anonymous said...

Go to Vegas & see Criss Angel! LOL!!! Then you can show us pics of him & his ho's, like Pamela. Go see Pamela at the magician show then you can show us pics of her & her ho's like Criss!!! Then the trip is a tax deduction! The shopping excursion sounds great. Hide & protect those precious bras from the nasty bra stealer!!! So, when are you off to see the wizard? You gotta go.

Dirty Disher said...

I forgot to tell you, she's a romance writer. Yeah. I don't think I can go because I'll DIE.

Anonymous said...

romance writer?? published?? the barbara cartland of iowa? :)

makes me envision romance stories based on the farm....stereotypical i know...but i'm from iowa, so i know what it's like!

Anonymous said...

why would you die if you go to LV? Just go! You might die of laughter or from lugging all that money back home or from missing all the snow & cold???. But you gotta go! A free trip to LV? You kiddin' me, just lay by the pool drinking 'tinis while she gambles. Then help her carry her winnings back home! Like a nice little niece should! Maybe you'll see Hef & his Girls? The chances of seeing a celeb are pretty good DD. GO!!!

Anonymous said...

Just go already DD... do some shopping, study people and then write some interesting stories. The Vegas trip can be a chapter of the book I'm going to convince you to write one day.... :)

Anonymous said...

Why does she have to go to VEGAS to gamble???!!!??
Why don't you take her to KC to gamble... cause then I could see both of you and we could go do something and check on her later. :)
Casey J.