When shooting a scene for Public Enemies, he spotted an out-of-control car charging toward a group of extras after skidding on a patch of ice. The extras had their backs to the car and would have been goners were it not for our hero - Johnny leapt towards the six actors and saved the day! A witness [said,] “Johnny slammed into the group with arms outspread, shoving them all back.”
Save me Johnny, I'm falling out of my chair! Save me! Uhhh, take your time, I'll be right here. Sigh.
Excuse me while I drool all over myself......dayummmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
Johnny saves a bunch of extras and I turn to mush. Tom Cruise "claims" to help someone in a car crash, or whatever he says he's done, and I want to puke.
Yes, Tom Cruise did "save" someone from a carsh. But go watch the spoof of his Scientology rant that includes his bit about about being a superhero & being able to fly and only "he" can save people, only a Scientologit can save people, which he did say in the actual interview. This man is nuts! Go to Crabbies Hollywood to see the see the spoof. It's hilarious!!!! And Johnny Depp can save me anytime!!! "I've fallen and I can't get up, Johnny, help me"!!!
and why may I ask isn't Johnny nakey????? Hmmmm????? *yum* I likes me some nakey pirates!!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.. yummmmyyy!!! :P
[ sighs & swoons ] gaaah can he be anymore perfect!!?
oh come on girls.
Get the flash flooding down, he is so perfect, he will NEVER leave Vanessa.
So stop dreaming, there are a lot of other men (not as perfect as Johnny) out there.
What about Woody H.?
But I don't think we will hear Johnny talking about this. & thats what makes him a superhero! They always keep their heroism a secret.
how do you think he got his shirt all torn up? Maybe saving people in great danger? Maybe fighting a wild beast off a young victim? Maybe the washing machine ate it? Or maybe a hoard of young chicka's tore it? w/e...it looks great on him and adds to the mystery. I loved him on 21 JS and still do. But Richard Greico is still cool too but has lost his hair! Waahhh!
he can put his shoes under my bed anytim
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