Pam Anderson is set to have her own reality show which I'm pretty sure no one is interested in. She's also back to dating Criss Angel, who I KNOW no one is interested in. After sex, instead of smoking, Criss puts her on a gyno table and searches for his missing jewelry. Put that in the show and I might watch.
Skank!!. Man she is gross. Those overdone tits and fried look is something that could only be attractive in the superficial world of celebutards. Enough already with the scripted faux reality shows that do nothing except expose children to a fantasy world of alcoholics, narcissistic people.
LMAO DD. My morning coffee is all over the keyboard. I can't stand his show, or her, but I still think that he is so cute!
ick and ickier
Is there a cure for Hepatitis that I don't know about. Geeez
And sorry Drina, Chris is gross too. What snatch hasn't he been into?
I'm very lucky I'd just put my coffee down; if not, it would be all over the keyboard, too. You are so funny.
Lohan would date him! and she would wait till he was sleeping and steal those jewels! She needs the cash & a date! Glad I don't drink coffee anymore!
he used to be cool and good looking, like a rocker. Then he changed his look & it all went to his head and he slept with all the young & old Hollywood ho's and now he's a skank too. We used to love his show, then it got stupid and was more a stunt show than magic. I still wanna know how he floats across the sky & walks down the sides of buildings tho! "Mindfreak" isn't on anymore is it?
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