Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Hollywood Machine

Kate Hudson on Matthew McConaughey:"We're the perfect pain in each other’s ass. There is just a thing of trust between us. I feel safe with him and I believe he wouldn’t let anything happen to me."
Kate previously let us know that there's an intense sexual chemistry between them that's never been..uhh, fulfilled. And also that he smells bad.
It's the same old bla bla...someone makes a silly film and the stars go on press and promo junkets. They talk on early morning TV and late night talk shows. They appear on red carpets and blue carpets in ill fitting expensive gowns and Dolce & Gabbana suits tucked in by stylists and make up people. They drop little personal tidbits and we are amused. Then they get all pissed off if anyone dares to look at them when they aren't prepared. Then we become vultures with blood on our hands.
Well, that thought stream took a dark turn, huu? But, it's true, they get paid a TON to be watched, then get pissed because we watch. I guess even hookers pick their own hours, but, as long as they can casually write a check for a 40 million dollar mansion, I refuse to feel bad for talking about any of them.


Anonymous said...

And you're completely right, Disher.

Anonymous said...

They are a couple of clowns... and they need style advice!!! What is she wearing! Perhaps they should go to this personal stylist before they go any further!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting it so clearly.

Anonymous said...

sooo true! We are all the reason they can buy those million $$$ mansions! Lest they forget! Nobody deserves to make the money that pro athletes or actors make...maybe a teacher in a gang ridden school in Harlem or a surgeon saving lives everyday, but not actors or athletes. Whats the purpose? Who decided that????? $20 mil for a movie! It's very undeserved. Thats insane, so don't bitch about getting your picture taken...'cuz pretty soon we don't care anymore. right-on DD!!!

Anonymous said...

I always think of old Hollywood, the REAL stars. John Wayne, James Dean, John Carradine, Liz Taylor, Rock Hudson, Doris Day,Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart etc. They didn't make anywhere near the money these people make now & the movies were better and have stood the test of time. THEY deserved much more. What happened? Hollywood is just screwed up all the way 'round. And the movies suck ass!!!!