Saturday, April 12, 2008

The man has a nice face

I think he was at a Lakers game, not that I care, I just thought David Beckham looked cute here and Posh is not in the photo.


Anonymous said...

I think that if he'd never met her, he would look like that more often, if that makes sense. I think she's an untalented, social-climbing, arrogant little snot who only cares about money, fame and fashion. She's clearly crazy, and she's going to turn their sons into little monsters. She's ruined his career and turned him into a laughing stock, as far as I'm concerned. I don't know how he can even stand her, but I somehow have a feeling she's cheaper to live with than to divorce.


Anonymous said...

What's with the tatoo obsession? He'll look like a washed-out old sailor in a few years...

Anonymous said...

he is sooo cute & that little one, Brooklyn is a doll! That baby can dance! They are boys, boys just do stuff like that. They are all show-offs. I think Posh is Ok, so what she's rich! She is. She likes it, I would too! David is a hawt-ee!!! Just post his undies ad everyday & I'll be good!

Anonymous said...

I think he is sooo hot, but I dont care for the tat's, way too many.

Anonymous said...

A girl can dream!