I wonderd how long it would take for the shit to hit the fan after Ashton Kutcher said Cameron Diaz was under medical attention after her dads death. I didn't have to wait long. Cameron is PISSED that he said she was hospitalized. He didn't even say that, what he said was..
While doing promos for What Happens In Vegas, Kutcher told reporters "Sadly she will not be joining us for the premiere as she has just lost her father and is under medical attention with stress at the moment."
Now the two are having a bitch fight through their reps. I'm not pasting any rep statements in here..I picture Kutcher going to his reps offices and pulling at his styled hair and crying "WTF do I do?? I fucked up!" Then his reps think of something intelligent to say and pretend Kutcher was smart enough to think of it. Kutcher also said Diaz would be better soon, which makes him a doctor, right? I like looking at him better than her, thus the one photo. I have a soft spot for this douche because he's from small town Iowa and got out. Every time I get out, I end up coming back. Which makes Kutcher either smarter than me or luckier. Let's hope it's the latter. If I have to live in this hole, at least I should be able to brag that I have a few brain cells left. Ahhhhh, if only I'd been as pretty as Ashton. Keep talking, hon, I'm listening.....and cringing.
Now the two are having a bitch fight through their reps. I'm not pasting any rep statements in here..I picture Kutcher going to his reps offices and pulling at his styled hair and crying "WTF do I do?? I fucked up!" Then his reps think of something intelligent to say and pretend Kutcher was smart enough to think of it. Kutcher also said Diaz would be better soon, which makes him a doctor, right? I like looking at him better than her, thus the one photo. I have a soft spot for this douche because he's from small town Iowa and got out. Every time I get out, I end up coming back. Which makes Kutcher either smarter than me or luckier. Let's hope it's the latter. If I have to live in this hole, at least I should be able to brag that I have a few brain cells left. Ahhhhh, if only I'd been as pretty as Ashton. Keep talking, hon, I'm listening.....and cringing.
i escaped from Iowa!!! :) of course ohio is just another 4 letter state as far as i'm concerned...
Yeah, Ohio is so much more fun. Heh.
OMG! I'm in the middle here in Indy! Same ol', same ol'...corn & soybeans, corn & soybeans, all around my house! I escaped many times and always ended up back home near family. Added up I have been gone from here about the same as I've been back. It's tolerable. Ya' gotta live someplace, right?
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