Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's the MK one

It's Mary Kate at the New Yorkers For Children No seriously..WTF??


Anonymous said...

OMG! The Golden Girls closet exploded on her!!! Huge & outdated to say the least. Whats she thinking? Is she high Claree???

Anonymous said...

She stole Aretha Franklin's dress that's whats up..... The Golden Girls except for Dorothy dressed much better than this!!

Anonymous said...

Is it Halloween already ????

Illya Allen said...

It looks like she's going as Jesus.

Anonymous said...

That black thing looks like the thing Glamour magazine does to those " Fashion Don't" pics of fashion no-no's. only it's not far enough over her eyes! Funny. This is a ridiculous ensemble. All those billions, and this is the best she can come up with? Holy crap! Give me $100 and a trip to the mall & I would look a jillion times better than this! *blech* LMAO "Jesus" Hilarious!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is she shrinking?

Anonymous said...

you know...if she would have just left off the bottom long skirt it wouldn't be as bad. AS bad, still bad tho. The headband thing reminds me of that fat chick with those Duck clothes on QVC, whats that called? Anyway, she wears those things.

Anonymous said...

More money than brains, pure and simple.


Anonymous said...

Woot Woot! Here come da Freak Express!! chugga-chugga-woo!


Anonymous said...

She looks like a rock I found when I was little, but then realized it was my St. Bernards vomit.
Casey J.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Her body language seems to be saying, "I am a complete loser and just dying for some attention, so I wear these ridiculous clothes and parade around in public looking like a Goodwill reject."