Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ashlee's nice ring

Pete and Ashlee were out in NYC wednsday night on a double date with Joel Madden and Nicole Richie. Seems no one bothered to snap the new parents because Ashlee showed off her ring. It IS a nice ring. Ashlee won't talk about the pregnancy rumors, which means she's pregnant, I guess. Daddy Joe is shopping the baby pics already, he thinks they're worth a million bucks. For real. A million bucks aint what it used to be, that's for sure. But, I think I'll offer Joe 50 bucks and see if that gets me an exclusive. Oh, and I want actual birth photos for 50's a lot for this site to pay, but, it's worth it.


Anonymous said...

That ring is killer. WOW!

Anonymous said...

for 10$ more you get the birth video (including a closeup when the head 'breaks through' and Ashlee's perineum is ruptured all way through to the asshole) and for 50$ more you can decide if she gets any painkillers or have to do it the 'natural' way.

But it does not end there! Papa Simpson has a full catalogue of options to choose from!

For 15$ you can decide if she is stitched up tight or loose, 5$ enables you to choose the colour of the thread used, for 20$ you can have the placenta and for 540$ you have the exclusive rights to the home porn Joe is shooting with his grand daughter in ca 16 years.

Anonymous said...

Whoaz, niiice.

If her eggo is preggo I'll tell you, my uncle's girlfriend knows Pete's mom's best friend who's going and is gonna ask for us. XD

Anonymous said...

And if that doesn't work I'll ask my second cousin's half-sister's baby daddy who works at Ralph's with a friend of Pete's mom's hairdresser's babysitter!!!