Thursday, April 17, 2008

You got a spare room?

Gary Busey needs a place to stay, since his landlord finally got him evicted. It's been 15 years of fighting over late rent, damages, domestic abuse and police visits. Sounds like home. His landlord can kiss the $50 grand in back rent goodbye, he's just lucky the place is still standing. Gawd, he's hot, isn't he? Don't you want Gary in your neighborhood?


Anonymous said...

He looks more horsey than SJP!


PS .... DAYUM!!!!!

Anonymous said... thanks neighbor! I got no spare rooms or even a camper for you to stay in. Now move on down the road, GET! Like Buddy Holly used to say "That'll Be The Day-a-a That I Die"!

Anonymous said...

Iz them there he gotz Billy Bob teef?
