Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Let's talk about her

I'm bored, let's gossip about LeAnn's dress, because if she didn't want us talking about her, she wouldn't have worn this. My alternate title was "Something's fishy here.." You know, because it looks like a dead fish..or a window shade. Her real problem's too short. If she drops a scale we'd see her bits.
My hatred of her is mysterious. She just bugs me.


Anonymous said...

it's her squinty, slitty eyes DD. It is!! She bugs me too! That dress is just silly & is way too short. But it's her evil eyes!!! Even with her smile, it doesn't matter, she has evil slanty,slitty eyes. Can't stand it!!

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of sun? Try some...just a get rid of the pasty look.


Anonymous said...

She needs a tan too, that gray dress just washes her out, not to mention all the white skin showing. Bad color selection and fish scales are sooo last season.

Anonymous said...

the picture is too small to really say something, but IMHO she looks good - for LR.

Anonymous said...

"her bits". Goddamn yer funny.


Anonymous said...

You hate her too? You just hate stars that dont slut around and act a fool. The girl could have been another Brit or Lohan, but she turned out alright and that bugs you. Must be because she is just a better person than you.

Corina said...

I love her.. the dress is fab.. just needs like 5 more inches. Can do w/o the shoes too.

And, anon 10:49: she looks fine.. not everybody desires the oompa loompa look, or "wanna be black" tan..

Anonymous said...

I saw another pic of her in this dress and it wasnt so bad. I think the angle makes her look aqward because i thought she looked nice.

As for the too much white skin showing, lol hey some of us are naturally THAT pale and cant tan only burn and peel!

Anonymous said...

she used to bug me, but then I ran into her once in a restaurant -- didn't recognize her at first, just thought "she looks familiar" -- she was very polite gracious to the people around her.

It changed my opinion of her completely.

Anonymous said...

Why is it anyone that has fair skin is ridiculed and told they need to tan? It's ridiculous. She looks fine. Dress is short but otherwise...

Anonymous said...

I never liked her look since she came on the scene with over tweezed eyebrows. Paired with the squinty eyes, not pretty. She grew up, got richer and better stylists, she's grown out her eyebrows, but they are a seriously strange shape...guess that's why she tried to remove so many to reshape. She is one of those people whose looks annoy you from the get go and you really don't care about them, but they still irritate you. Shannon Doherty is another one of those people for me. Her looks are very irritating, I never saw her as cute or pretty.