Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baby bump watch!

Pete Wentz is pregnant by Ashlee Simpson. Though barely showing, Pete is busy designing his own maternity culottes and skorts. The couple plan to do in-utero surgery on their baby to tattoo on permanent eyeliner. Ashlee says it's risky, but, they want the best for their child. Pete will give birth through his asshole which he giggles and calls his "faux-gina."
No word on yet on whether the baby will be born with a gender or a brain.


Anonymous said...

Pete's a delicate flower.

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean..."Pete Wentz is pregnant by JOE Simpson" ?


Anonymous said...

This is gonna be 1 funny lookin' kid!!!! Or a freak & be accidentally gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Ahna! "Pete Wentz pregnant by Joe Simpson" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

I really do hate myself for saying this, but I think Pete's kinda hot. Is that wrong?