Saturday, April 19, 2008

The National Enquirer covers Suri's B-Day

The ENQUIRER exclusively reports 36 cupcakes were delivered to the Scientology Center in Hollywood.
Wow! It's a stretch to believe this explosive coverage, but, they are the big boys, right? Still, there are no photos of the alleged cupcakes. I know I can't sleep, wondering, worrying..were there cupcakes or not??


Anonymous said...

REAL MOMS go for 69cent Betty Crocker cake mix & cobble up 2 dozen in their jammies under 30 min.


Anonymous said...

Where's "Cupcake" when a girl needs her???? Yoo-Hoo Cupcake???? We want cupcakes!!! White cake, whipped icing, maybe a strawberry on top? K? 36 cupcakes? Thats not very many. Doing a wedding cupcake tower, my friend was told she would need to order 2-3 cupcakes per guest. You do the math. Thats not very many, thats all. & why at the Scientology Center? OMFG! So what their house is not done. Why not a nice restaurant? Why do they need a house anyway? Tommy should just move them all in there and be done with it. Lock the gates & throw away the f'g key. Thats what happens eventually anyway. Look at his other kids. They are GONE now.