Friday, April 18, 2008

Nicolas Cage's son has a Goth band

It's called Eyes of Noctum. NOOO???!! Just looking at Weston, I thought he was in a Christian boys choir. Guess you can't judge a book by it's cover. I'm just shocked that people still use that dumb ass hand gesture, universal for rock and roll and Par-Tay. You know you dress stupid when it's too much trouble to do up your old Kiss boots. Mom looks dazed, I suggest ear plugs to go with the spandex.


Anonymous said...

Goth still?? seriously??? I thought that was over
he 's 17 18? he looks older than his dad and that Cougar with him is his mom..another freaky Hollywood family.

Dirty Disher said...

I still maintain that Goths are born..not self made.

Anonymous said...

So many are just poseurs DD. It's a way for kids that aren't accepted main stream to fit into a group. It's for lost kids. I mean just go to Hot Topic, buy some crap & you can look Goth and fit in. Easy. The attitude can be learned. Look at Evan Rachel Wood? MM is turning her into his ex wife,with a little goth thrown in. If thats possible than anything is! This kid is fat, he doesn't look like a cool kid to me, he is trying soo hard. His dad was born cool, he wasn't & this is his way to be cool to some people. It's sad really. Is that Rosanna?

Anonymous said...

So sad to see sometimes that people allways have a perfect explanation about anyone, just seing their picture! ( sorry about the spelling, I´m not from the states..) Please send me your picture and I will fucking tell you where you come from ! I met the guy and he seems to be a fucking nice guy, like most of the goths I´ve met! But ofcourse it´s ease to come to a conclusion when hes dad is a famous actor and he´s mom is famous to blablabla, well as I said, send me your picture and tell me what your mom and dad does for living, and I will tell you exacxtly who you are!
-Swedish (wh)oracle