Thursday, April 17, 2008

People who've aged well..Susan Sarandon

Yes, Janet, you still look hot. Now put those things away.


Anonymous said...

Dammit Janet!!! You look good!

Anonymous said...

note to self
when getting old and wrinkly put up the tata's to distract from face.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:19-my thots EXACTLY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think they have anywhere else to go. She's always had an ample bust, but it's weird to see ones that are real on display anymore. I say keep 'em high, locked, and loaded.

Anonymous said...

use whatcha got, right girls???

Anonymous said...

I'm glad nobody on here is calling her boobs fake. She has always had big 'uns. Love her!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:44 - you crack me up!!!! "high, locked & loaded" heeheehoo!!


Anonymous said...

totally agree @ high locked and loaded! lol

I think SS has aged wonderfully and with grace and dignity! She a real woman in a place where they idolize fake faker and fakest. Just love her, always have.