Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rupert Grint knows what he doesn't want...

Rupert does not want him any Lohan or Hilton..
He told The Sun: “I met Lindsay last summer and she talked about herself a lot.
“She said she was going to win an Oscar before she turns 25. I just kept thinking, ‘But you can’t act’.
“I haven’t met Paris and don’t want to either. She and Lindsay are the type of girls you need to stay away from.”
Heh, I knew he was a smart kid.


Anonymous said...

Love this kid! He's awesome. My daughter has a huge crush on him. He's cute! And now we know he is very mature and sensible as well. Good for him. He's right about Lind's too. She can't act & bragging that she will win anoscar in the next few years? Is she f'g kidding? Not even! That really makes me hate her more!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good that he actually has the balls to say it.

Anonymous said...

woot. one smart boi in 50 bazillion.


Anonymous said...

Smart indeed! At least he won't join their herpes list.

Anonymous said...

wow, that just made me like him even more.

Anonymous said...

Wow, go him! ILY for that Rupert!