Friday, April 11, 2008

Tommy Lee Jones "It's madness!"

Tommy Lee Jones, on the fence going up along the Texas/Mexico border to prevent immigration...It “bears all the credibility and seriousness of flying saucers from Mars or leprechauns. Or any manner of malicious, paranoid superstition. In other words, it’s bullshit. It’s a complete disaster. It’s an act of fascist madness.”
Bullshit! I have a cousin who's a Mexican..he's like a genius who can build a hot rod out of dumpster parts, but, you put a fence in front of him and he's stumped. Mexicans can't climb fences. GW thinks it will work, and it's not like GW is a fool, right? Besides, I saw a Leprechaun on a webcam once, he was 6 inches tall and wearing a cute little helmut. So there.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Tommy Lee a fence is not going to stop illigal from coming here. You don't live in a state that bodrers with Mexico and your ignorance is amazing..

Anonymous said...

Yeah and cuz, cuz...I have garden faieres too!!!
I am from Corpus Christi, Texas peoples!!!! Well, not any more. I don't speak spanish and it's impossible if you don't! It's mandatory to teach in spanish down there and I didn't want my kids to have to deal with all that. White is a minority there. BUILD BIGGER FENCES!!!!!

Amy said...

lol@ peen joke

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Sierra, (Reader Annie's daughter) She just happens to be my great-niece! Thanks for posting it!

Dirty Disher said...

Awwwwww. She's adorable.