Wednesday, April 16, 2008

When bad pants happen to good people

Dear Sohpie Monk, actually, I don't know if you're good or not, but, you are cute. However, you can't expect a fashionista like Ryan Gaycrest to call you back if you insist on being seen in public in a pair of stained ass-eaters.


Anonymous said...

thats funny. She's a model and thin and still looks like crap in those things. Celluite and all!!! Good! For 1 thing, you don't wear regular panties under spandex at all! Who does that? I don't wear anything but thongs, even under jeans so I won't have any VPL! A girls gotta have some pride in her ass.

Anonymous said...

Well, she kinda has the same ass that Paris has. So, Benji might just be attracted to that type.

Anonymous said...

look at it this way, havent we all gone out in our 'around the house' clothes at one point. ya know, when you realize the post office is about to close & you need to mail a package so you just go as is? lol, well that was me last week but i added another hilarious feature, i had just dyed my hair & still had 15 min before washing it out & i live 5 min away from the post office, so i had to go. lmao. anyway, i like this picture. just shows the famous people are still people.

Anonymous said...

NO! I would never go out in public in those pants, for that matter I'd never own those pants! She's pretty & has great hair & she's young, so she gets a free pass...

Anonymous said...

"ass eaters". once again-yer fuggin' funny!! Who looks good in those pants anyway? Did she sit in puke?


Anonymous said...

She is too young to have that much cellulite :-( At 28 I had no cellulite on my butt.

Anonymous said...

12:47:00 you rock! lol