Friday, May 23, 2008

Adam Sandler to be a dad again

Adam Sandler announced to Jay Leno that he and his wife Jackie are expecting their second baby in October. Adam said: “She’s (Jackie) very sick. She’s going through a lot. My wife gets it very bad, she vomits a lot — morning, afternoon, the whole deal. My little daughter is always looking at her and is nervous to see her mom sick like that.”
Awwww. It's worth it, right? The couple have a 2 year old daughter..Sadie. Sadie is not the most photogenic child in the world and gets picked on a bit in the press. She looks more like her dad than her gorgeous mom, but, Sadie cracks me up. I think she's a cutie and very curious, for sure. Heh. I won't mind seeing another little Sandler around. Look at Sadie's tiny braids!


Anonymous said...

Ok. Who could pick on Sandler's little nugget!?!? I guess I'm a hypocrite b/c I love this guy and it broke my heart to read that she's pick'd on in the press. She has a punky brewster cuteness.

Anywho... Congrats to Adam and his family!!! Hope his bride feels better soon. Must be in the 1st trimester yet.

He is such a good guy. My favorite Sandler flick is 50 1st Dates. Some stupid humor but still luv it.

Anonymous said...

he's a good, average looking guy that just happesn to be talented & funny. His kid isn't gorgeous but not everybody is. So what? And she may grow out of that. & if she's funny too then all the better. Sarah Silverman probably was an ugly duckling too & she's funny and has a cute hubby. This kid will be fine. And that poor mommy...been there, done that. Spent months with my head in the toilet. It will pass. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I saw Perez flat out called her ugly and for the first time, he pissed me off! How could you say a 2-year-old is ugly? I think she's cute as a button. Chubby babies are the best!

Dirty Disher said...

I saw a pic Perez had on of a baby holding a beer and a lit cig. The baby wasn't even in the story. It grossed me out and made me cry. I don't think Perez knows how we love our babies. How could he?

Anonymous said...

what a doll face! I think she looks sweet and healthy and most of all, normal! it would be evil to pick on someone so innocent, and yes, the braids are too too cute!

Anonymous said...

I can't see how or why anyone would pick on this little darling, or any child for that matter. It's disgusting and disturbing. In any case, I think she is adorably cute. She looks more like Dad true, but I think he's damn cute too!


Anonymous said...

you know she just kinda looks like a little boy, she's cute. She's a baby. Her little fat bottom is darling. her mommy & daddy adore her you know? & so would I!

Anonymous said...

It would scare you to see Nathan's and my baby pics. Needless to say, if we ever have a baby, it's going to have a big head! I was bald until I was 2, and Nathan had flame red hair but he looked like one of those cartoons of people with giant brains so they have giant heads on little bodies. I guess he needed the big head though b/c he DOES have a big brain! :) Aww, babies. I'm having baby blues really bad right now! Babies forever Perez never!

Anonymous said...

Jebbica: I think red headed babies/ kids are adorable!

Also, I truly hope and pray with all my heart that this is the last time we all discuss babies and Perez Hilton C$nt in the same blog entry. It is just wrong.

Would someone please beat his ass thoroughly?

Unfortunately, he'd probably enjoy that.