Friday, May 23, 2008

Mischa has a hand bag line coming out

Mischa Barton, shown here with her sort of cute, but, short boy friend, Taylor Locke, has decided she's a designer. She will have a line of hand bags, vintage-inspired, flower motif, drawn by Mischa. Hmm. Just because you got fired from a TV show and were in some forgettable movies does not make you a designer. But, maybe she'll find a Spirograph and a Bedazzler at a garage sale. I'll reserve judgement until I see the bags, which I will then make fun of endlessly. If those shoes are any indication of her taste, I believe I'll pass. My advice to Mischa? Stop shopping while you're stoned to the bone. Marijuana greatly reduces your ability to judge fug. You stand in stores for hours, glaze eyed, going "PRRRRRRRRRRETTY." Then you come home with things like this. Just say no.


Anonymous said...

Indiana Reservation in Arizona was going out of business I guess? Maybe she is gonna specialize in "saddle bags"? *cough*

Anonymous said...

"Indian" whoops! Indiana! LMAO I must be thinking about Harrison Ford today, that ain't a bad thing. "Oooh...Indiana...thats right...crack that whip babee"!

Anonymous said...

All those "Rooney" guys are short. Is that why they named themselves Rooney? After little shorty Mickey Rooney? J/W. & PS Taylor is a cutie. But she has a buffalo ass.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL @ saddle bags.

Anonymous said...

Maybe her bags will be of good quality, she wont spare expenses because we know she's not a tight-ass!.

Anonymous said...

I think she should use ostrich for these saddle bags. Nice -n- bumpy.