Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Alec Baldwin is trying

Alec Baldwin's daughter, Ireland (the "rude little pig" in the red) is talking to him again. He took Ireland and her friends out for smoothies in Malibu. She's tall for 12 years old! If Kim Basinger sees this photo of her smiling with her dad..there will be a lawsuit and a restraining order.


Anonymous said...

Ireland is such a beautiful, little pig! lol!

I think Alec can be a total asshole but Kim really set him up there. I mean... kids will piss you off and things will fly out of your mouth.

Anonymous said...

alec shouldn't have left a message like that---which he's admitted, but kim shouldn't have leaked it to the public--she denies doing it, but who else could've??

Anonymous said...

I doubt it was an isolated incident - seems like he had regular rages and rants throughout their marriage.
If you've never lived with someone who enjoys a terrific public reputation while being a complete asshole at home, you have no idea what some people live with and I'm glad she leaked a bit of the truth to the world.

Anonymous said...

Kids are assholes! Especially at this age! If you have one, you know what I'm talkin about! Cut him some slack!

Anonymous said...

Alec looks completely deranged here.
Seriously.. he's gone.

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!! 1:54

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Kim is thinking, daddy and his happy little pig? "not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!

ANON 1:54:00 is 100% CORRECT!!

Anonymous said...

To 1:54 and those of you who agreed with his/her observation that "kids that age *are* assholes..."

I can't help but wonder if you'd feel that way... had you never been able to have kids at all.

Dirty Disher said...

Awww, I agree with anon, kids can be assholes. Sorry, but they really can. But, you don't resort to name calling. It's called being an adult and keeping your shit together. Alec can be forgivin, it was a lapse in restraint. It happens.

Anonymous said...

Kids here in Texas growing up at the ranch have tasks to perform from the time they can walk. Feed the dog (an asset in any cattle operation), check on the horses and cattle, help Mom load up the truck with Daddy's things for the day, etc. When someone asks a question the only proper response is "Yes sir/ma'm" or "no sir". They love to watch us "fuss" with machinery and care for the animals. City kids in general will wake up and start bitching about how Mommy's taking too long to get breakfast ready or that they have already seen this Sponge Bob episode. The idiot box will spoil a child quicker than anything, besides watching the harvest grow, cultivating your own vegetables and caring for animals instills a sense of responsibility from an early age and teaches respect for nature and the wisdom of your elders. If kids are assholes is because their parents taught them to be that way, they are a reflection of you.

Anonymous said...

So when your kid grows up to be a serial killer (it happens!), it's a reflection of YOU??? Give me a break! ALL children from the ages of oh, 11 to 17 are ASSHOLES!(Yeah I said it, sue me!)It's the age! It's hormones changing, it's coming into their own, etc! And please spare us anon 5:19! We already know what kind of "chores" kids growing up on a ranch in Texas have to perform!
Yes Sir!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Texas post. Just look at the prison population and you'll find children that grew up without parental supervision or plain neglect. If you don't enforce boundaries you get anarchy.
How is this for generalizations;
"All children from 11 to 17 are assholes"--you must be in that age group.
I am a retired former school teacher. I am also a 62 year old widow. My neighbor's kids are teenagers and they take care of my yard and always ask if I need help. I dont think they are assholes.

Anonymous said...

Most geriatrics I know are assholes!(*Hint* anon 3:28)