Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Anyone speak German?

I don't, but, I'm pretty sure this site is saying Amy Winehouse wears diapers. Of course she does! Damn, Amy's too busy to go potty. She gots to potty on the run. Or maybe she just had the runs and couldn't stay home. Nothing Amy does surprises me at this point.


Anonymous said...

Yep, that's what its saying. And then something about her not being allowed to see Blake in jail and then rushing home "probably to change her diaper. " Lol, my German isn't that good tho.


Anonymous said...

Mags, you are correct.
You forgot the part about 'Amy took the camera of some photographer' part ;)

But one thing - this is Bild. Not only germans biggest 'newspaper' but also the biggest bunch of manipulative liars out there. Do you think 'The Sun' is bad? This guys are worse, hiding between their 'journalistic freedom' ...

so whatever they write, confirm it somewhere else first.

Anonymous said...

behind, not between

Anonymous said...

They are saying that on Monday she waited to see Blake, and asking what that thing is under her flowery dress (blumenkleid), They say "is it a rag hanging open from her legs?". Ganz Gutt!! Danke "Scmutzig Disher" (Dirty disher). Auf wiedersehen.

Anonymous said...

jeezus!! how do you get a picture of someone's crotch like that? I mean really, I've been getting in and out of cars my whole life and NEVER, even in my college hottie days did I have my legs spread eagle with people standing around. I challenge any woman, have someone you love try to get a pic of your cootch as you get in the car. Not easy.