Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ali and Lindsay take a walk

Lindsay: "Okay, hold my hand then everyone will totally think I hold hands with every chick and they won't call me a lesbo!"
Ali: "Ewwwwwww, lesbians are, like , gross!"
Lindsay: "Uhh, yeah, totally. So, how's you career, sis, gonna be a big star?"
Ali: "Like, totally. I'm listening to CD's with my friends."
Lindsay: "Uhh, yeah, that's how I started. It's hot out here, want a drink of water?"
Ali: "Sure. Ewww, this tastes funny!"
Lindsay: "Oh, fuck, wrong bottle. Sorry."
Ali: "I thought so..Vodka gives me the runs. Mom always brings Gin."


Anonymous said...

That doesn't look like Ali...that girl actually looks like Angie Harmon...which means Ali looks like she is 30 something.

Anonymous said...

It's funny 'cause it's true.

Anonymous said...

the girl likes fish even her father said so and her sister looks like a 40 year old cocktail waitress

the Constantly Dramatic One said...

Dude, how come both of them looks middle aged?

Anonymous said...

So true. Ali looks grown up already, and there isn't much Lindsay has not experienced in life. Dina could take a four year old girl and live with her for six months. When she came out of her house she'd look like Amy Winehouse.

Anonymous said...

Both look 15 years older then what they are and orange tinged, how attractive.

Anonymous said...

They aren't cool like "Thelma & Louise"...they need to stop that sh**