It's become quite clear to me that Tony Romo lets his little weener friends do his dirty work. Here's what they fed to the media lately.."He did agree to go to [sister Ashlee’s] wedding — keeping his promise to Jessica. But he made it super-clear that if they were to give it another go, her dad had to seriously back off."
Joe has to back off? Then kiss her firm clinging ass bye bye right now, Foo-ball boy. Nick could handle it. You're just making excuses because you know you're not sticking around. I wish Jess would dump HIS ass. Does he have a brother? I'd go fuck his brother upside down and sideways and release the tape of me saying how much better brother Romo is than weener Tony.
Sorry, DD...I love you, but I'm going with Tony on this one. And as a life long Houston football fan, and life long Cowboys hater, this is killing me! =) He needs to get away from this crazy ho and her family. I think Nick was able to "handle" it because he was orchestrated into that marriage and tv show by Joe before he knew what hit him. She was HORRIBLE to him on that show. He really tried with sweet and thoughtful gifts, tried to make a HOME out of that monstrosity of a house...she was a spoiled child.
He doesn't do anything for me, but he could have ANY woman he wanted. Why would he choose to be with a crazy woman whose father is involved in EVERY aspect of her life??
Sorry for the rant!
oh, and by the "He" in the last paragraph...that means Tony. I was so riled up I forgot to specify the "he"! LOL
Can I just hate them both? :)
"I wish Jess would dump HIS ass. Does he have a brother? I'd go fuck his brother upside down and sideways and release the tape of me saying how much better brother Romo is than weener Tony..."
OMG. Looks like HELL has finally frozen over;
Dish has joined Team Jessica.
Not sure why your hatin on Tony? Not a fan at all (go Seahawks). Jess and dad would chase most guys off. Not like she has held a guy for long lately. Really she brings nothing to the table. She is below ayoung Pam Anderson in talent. Whats the big deal?
Wow Dishy, remind me to never mes around with you.
I am with Catherine on this one. Creepy Papa Joe (hereafter referred to as CPJ) was always around. Even when Nick and Jess filmed a romantic scene on the beach for a video, when the camera panned back Papa Joe was next to the bed. CPJ even discussed Jess' tits on TV. I remember watching the show, and CPJ was always a sore point.
He needs to go home and quit pimping his daughters. He even represents Ryan Cabrera (Ashlee's old boyfriend). Maybe he wants to play wide receiver with Tony. He looks like he has a little sugar in his britches.
I also remember that episode as well! CPJ even made a remark about her virginity on that show & how now she can "do that all day long" if she wants to. She was in a bikini in that video, freezing off her buns & her dad says that? All that man thinks about is SEX and in conjunction with his eldest daughter Jessica. I think he needs a therapist for this, not even a joke. He needs to get over it. And get outta her bed, so to speak. Tony ain't all 'dat anyway & I also wish she'd beat him to the punch & dump his ass!!! I like Jessica, you haters can hate all you want. She's Ok by me. I also don't understand why she can't figure out how to keep a guy. It should be easy to figure out by now, keep dad away! Don't tell dad about your personal life. Fire dad maybe even. Whatever works. She's not a trainwreck, she will be fine and find a nice guy one day that won't be pushed around by CPJ.
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