Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Angie interview at Cannes

On the reports that she's marrying Brad..marriage. "I know!" she responds with a chuckle. "I turned on the news and heard we were getting married, and thought, 'That's odd'! You know, we're not against it; it's not something we're making a stand about or are scared of. It's just not felt necessary. We've both been married before and I think we feel like we are together because we want to be. We want to raise these children together; we're committed to them and that's the priority. It's not about some contract binding us to have to be dedicated to each other, but that we were going to start building this family and be close just because we are. So we don't need to do it but one day we will. Maybe if the kids start asking - they'll probably be the ones to make the decision."
Yes, I'd let kids make that decision for me. She also talks about wanting to start a foster home for foster children she doesn't want in her house and plans to adopt more children she does want in her house. A helicopter was standing by through the interview just in case the babies came early, but, she said she feels fine. No talk about her new 70 million dollar estate. she says she's found true peace with her family..
So if Brad wasn't the most handsome man on the planet, she'd still feel the same way? "I actually was dead set against being with another actor before I met Brad."

Really? "Oh my God, yeah, yeah. I was sure it was going to be a doctor in the field or some kind of human rights activist. The last thing I wanted was the epitome of the attractive male movie star," she quips.
The so-called "Brangelina" are not only considered Hollywood's most powerful couple, but Hollywood's hottest brand.
"We find it silly because we are both so goofy and we know who we are," Jolie responds, literally shooing away the notion with her long-fingered hand. "The fortunate thing is we have so many kids and so many things that ground us. Brad was laughing on the red carpet and people were asking if we were having a great time, but what he was laughing about was he'd just gotten peed on by our daughter."
Read the rest HERE.


Anonymous said...

Seeing your earlier post about who Shiloh most resembles made me realize that Angie fell for Brad because he so closely resembles her father. Blonde, blue-eyes, full lips.

Maybe there's some truth to the idea that we subconsciously try to replace our parents with our partners. As icky as that may be.

Anonymous said...

they're grounded??? with homes around the world, a nomadic life style, millions of bucks, they're grounded??? well i'll be cheddar cheese...

Anonymous said...

How come she sounds so normal and nice sometimes but has that repulsive smirk? I guess she has two sides.

Anonymous said...

you have to hear her speak to actually wanna slap her face. She talks like a dude and is a total smartass. So self involved. She's quoted all nicey-nice here but you gotta hear her talk. I cannot stand it. Pregnant Dyke!!!

Anonymous said...

yumm cheddar cheese..

life is so rough traveling the world staying in masions and 5 star hotels having money... I think she has all those kids to help her from going crazy (like she was with Billy Bob drinking their own blood or sucking mouth with her brother ) So the kids don't drive her crazy they keep her sane.

Anonymous said...

*sighs* all the gross things that Angie is and the biggest insult anon can come up with is to call her a dyke. Last I checked dykes didn't extend to getting it on with other women's husbands, madonna's sloppy seconds and their own brother.

Anonymous said...

I Am Begging Skankalina to please STFU and stop talking to the press. Her and the other dumb shit ( Brad ) need to let their publicists speak for them. I'm serious!

I can't wait for these two to break up. Everyone will need lots of Popcorn.

Anonymous said...

she looks amazing! by this point in the pregnancy my nose was spread waaaay across my face like JLO's

she's an actress, ACTING nice.

Anonymous said...

O.K! I read most of the Article. Until the useless cunt compares herself to Cate Blanchette. A.J is NO Cate Blanchette and will never come close.

So Angelina is going to take time off after these new blobs? I doubt it will happen. Media Whores don't change. They get worse.