Monday, May 26, 2008

Christina Aguilera ...NOW I get it

Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman out to dinner together at the Little Door (LA) last Saturday night. I always wondered why she married that guy. I mean, really. He has no chin and she's considered one of the worlds beauties. Christina grew up watching her mother get knocked around by her father. She was determined her children would never see that. In a recent interview from US Weekly..
She tells Us Weekly magazine, “We had many conversations before, and I really ensured that I put myself in the position to marry someone who was not going to repeat the cycle of abuse with my child and what I had endured as a child.
“I knew that my husband is not the type to have violent tendencies, and he would never hurt me.”
Now I get it. Aguilera may be smarter than I ever gave her credit for being. It's not easy to break a cycle of abuse. And you can love someone deeply because you feel safe with them. So, Jordan Bratman is starting to look a lot cuter to me. He's growing on me. She still wears to much make up though.


Anonymous said...

hell ya he's not gonna hurt her! a guy that looks like that typically doesn't even get GLANCED at by a girl like her!

Anonymous said...

He seems like a nurturing guy to me. He is in the music business and understands her profession. A lot like Nick was to Jessica.

Anonymous said...

You mean there aren't any kind, non-violent men who actually look good?

Anonymous said...

I don't think he's bad looking at all. And I don't think she's that great looking either, they're just both nice and average looking people with lots of dough.

Anonymous said...

it's hard to recall now but back in the day she was ultra fug. big blobby nose, bad skin etc. she wears so much makeup cos she's still unsure of her looks i guess. and she married an ugly guy cos she knows that shes ug herself.. harsh but true.. :)