Monday, May 26, 2008

What's he mad about now??

Cash Warren got pissed off at a pap Sunday, jumped in the guys car, took his keys and threw them across the parking lot. How dare someone take a photo of his pregnant wife. Geez. If it bugs them so much maybe they could hire someone to shop for groceries. I don't know who made these two big stars anyhow. Dumb people like me, who post about them, I guess. I was trying to peek into the grocery cart, because I AM that nosey, but, all I saw was flowers and 7-up. These two get on my nerves. They're always mad about something.


Anonymous said...

he's famous for being her boyfriend...she's famous for giving some guy a hard on once....

they're both miserable....their kid will be born frowning...

oh, i emailed ya back....with pix of my front yard (yesterday's project) and deets of my old mags...

Dirty Disher said...


Anonymous said...

Rash Warren is getting tired of Jessica already. Get used to it buddy, no one ever said she was fun.

Anonymous said...

He's mad because he woke up today and was STILL ugly, STILL with Jessica Alba, STILL a nobody..............should I go on???