Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dishy Links

Listen to Nick Hogan whining about his jail cell to his mom on the phone. Crabbie's Hollywood

John McCain talks out his ass about gay marriage on the Ellen show. Just Jared.

Robert Downey Jr., Ben Stiller, Jack Black Perform with Gladys Knight on Idol Finale (Video)..OMG! My fav song. Gravy And Biscuits P.S. Jebbica, LOVE the new header!

Harriet Carter, a Magical Wednesday. I'm Bringing Bloggin Back (my weekly obsession of giggles)

Mutt cheated on Shania!? Oh, man. The Blemish

Yoko Ono wins court battle..stops us from thinking John Lennon might have been high. Starpulse


Anonymous said...

Thanks! Remember the story about that a-hole who hated my banner? Well, I killed him with kindness and we're friends now, and he made that for me! :) I like it a lot. My favorite song, too!

Dirty Disher said...

Ha ha. That's how I got a certain beauty queen friend. Things work out.

Anonymous said...

A certain beauty queen friend...I actually know who you're talking about, the lawsuit piggy chick, but my first thought was "Crabbie?" :) J/k Crabster I love you!!