Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gordon Ramsay might be a cannibal

I knew contestant cook Matt cut off the tip off his thumb, I saw that on a Hells Kitchen vid. That's what you get for preparing pretentious things like pancetta with quail. But now Live News is saying that the rest of the genius's wanna be cooks went ahead and unknowingly fried up the thumb tip with whatever other gawd awful creation they were cooking and Chef Gordon Ramsay sampled it. "Ramsay sampled the dish - saying it tasted weird."
Yeah, right. He probably said "You fuck heads. I instruct you to cook a simple human and this dog shit is what you give me? How dare you! Morons! Out of my kitchen you simpleton FUCKS!"
Anyhow, he's not a cannibal, he's a can-nibble, 'cause he only took a bite. Heh.


Anonymous said...

I have prepared some of his recipes and had good results. He was in Afghanistan cooking Christmas meals for Royal Marines. His broccoli soup is great.

Dirty Disher said...

He is also HOT.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I sooo agree, Dishy.

He can stir my soup anytime.

Anonymous said...

isn't this the nose picker? or is that wolfgang puck? it's hard keeping celeb chefs straight....i know rachel ray is annoying and oh, what's her name? the british lady with a full figure? well she's pretty cool--even if her recipes are weird and difficult...

Anonymous said...

Wolfgang Pick.. er Puck, is the picker.
Did anyone here watch the MTV series back in '04 called "Till Death Do Us Part", with Carmen Electra?

The show's premise was following Carmen & Dave as they made arrangements in the lead-up to their wedding day. In one scene, Carmen had friends over for a "Reception food" tasting.

The "chef" (and I use the term loosely) and his minions took over her kitchen prepping some type of morrocan cuisine with lot's of sauces... and every two seconds the freak OPENLY LICKED HIS FINGERS! (Not little licks, mind you... whole fingers in the mouth)
It was one of the most disgusting spectacles I've ever witnessed. He'd handle the food-- bare handed, then LICK, LICK, LICK! Right on camera... and no one says a damn thing.

Then it's time for the presentation at table. Carmen, and all her friends are seated as he brings in platters of food and dipping sauces. He stands there explaining what's what to her... handling the food and rather than wipe on a towel-- his fingers go right into his MOUTH in front of everyone! Carmen, being Carmen, was so polite, but I don't know HOW she couldn't have noticed.

Sorry for the rant. I just had to ask if anyone else had seen it... it was just so OTT. And YES... he DID cater the wedding!

Anonymous said...

He's fun to watch but my favorite is TopChef on Bravo. Any of U watch it?

Anonymous said...

i watch gordon on all of his shows, most of which is on bbc america. even though he is a bastard, he is awesome. he bitches because he expects perfection. he is so funny to watch on hells kitchen though, we look forward to that show starting up every year. i also think he is hot even though his chin is a little weird.

also, most good chefs carry a spoon in their apron & taste everything they make for quality. a little gross but thats a chef's world i guess.