Thursday, May 22, 2008

I know someone who WON'T be buying Alanis Morissette's new album

Her ex boy friend, Ryan Reynolds and his fiance' Scarlett Johansson, that's who. Alanis's 'Flavors of Entanglement' was inspired by the unraveling relationship she had with him. Morisette said "This album was like a life raft. I wanted my own personal story to unfold as it was happening."
One lyric from track 'Straightjacket' is: "I don't know who you are, talking to me with such fucking disrespect."
While lines from 'Underneath' include: "Look at us break our bonds in this kitchen/ Look at us rallying our defences/ Look at us waging war in our bedroom."
I'm pretty sure Ryan's a Tom Waits fan anyhow.


Anonymous said...

i don't like her....annoying voice...

Anonymous said...

Misstia- yes but, have you heard Scarjo's voice? It'll drive one to suicide. and I am not overexag here.

Amy said...

She covered Tom Waits songs? Did I know that? Jeez. I mean excellent material to choose from but how the hell does one cover a voice like that?

Anonymous said...

I like Morissette. But I'm afraid to listen to Scarjo, since everyone says her voice terrible and I don't need another reason to hate pop culture.

Anonymous said...

I care................not. She's a whiny douche! Does anyone want to hear how her unattractive snatch got dumped???