Thursday, May 29, 2008

Does Clay have a baby bump?

Sources are reporting that Clay Aiken is going to be a mommy! Errr, daddy! Errr, parent! Clays best friend, Jaymes Foster is knocked up with his artificially inseminated Clay spooge! Congrats, Clay, it'll be great. Yeah, I rice pilaf just went down my windpipe because I still haven't wrapped my head around Spamalot and the Claymates. I'm wishing them the best though.


Anonymous said...

WTH???? Is this true?? very strange story. Another MJ!

Dirty Disher said...

Supposedly true..wait for reps confirmation, I guess.

Anonymous said...

My first thought is that Clay blew some guy and snowballed that shit in her. I can't picture him getting anywhere a woman with sexual intentions.