Thursday, May 29, 2008

You gotta be kidding!

So, The New York Times mag has turned into The National Enquirer. Forget the journalistic integrity (aka stupidity) of putting Tyra's name with Oprah and Martha..the photo looks like she's in a sarcophagus. Tut Tut. Tyra..going down in the anals of history (doesn't that sound dirty?) as the woman who changed the world by uttering "You have to be shtrong! You have to be fierce!" I hope her wigs still fit on her big head after this.


Anonymous said...

oh dear god. oh dear hog i am drunk and happyt. what shell we do about tyra having a big head.? nothing i suppose. noting lets all just be happy.

Anonymous said...

She looks like a demented Beyonce here, if there is such a thing.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit balls.

Tyra being compared to two media giants with 20+ years of experience, wisdom and

What's next? Pamela Anderson's acting chops vs: Meryl Streep? Ashley Simpson's singing vs: Celine Dion? Andy Dick's humor vs: Robin Williams?

Someone 'off the bitch.. please.

Anonymous said...

She looks ridiculously bottom heavy.

the Constantly Dramatic One said...

I really, realllly, reallllllly wanna know what excatly is the concept for that picture.

Anonymous said...

Im with the constantly dramatic one on this, I just dont get the point. She looks foolish.

Anonymous said...

Top is huge, matches the bottom. Terrible pic. I cannot believe she allowed that to be printed of her. It is so NOT Fierce!