Monday, May 26, 2008

Good juicy mean probably true gossip

"As mentioned before, Papa Joe Simpson was said to have begged Tony Romo to attend his daughter Ashlee Simpson's wedding to Pete Wentz. But how could Tony be swayed to attend when he and Jessica Simpson had already split?According to TMZ, when People made the $1.4 million deal for Ashlee and Pete's wedding photos, there was a requirement that sis Jessica and Tony Romo would be present. Cha-ching!"
OMG..I heard Joe Simpson literally got down on his knees and begged Tony to be there. Now we know why. People was more interested in big sis and her foo-baller than Ash and Pete. Joe was more interested in the money. We knew that part. Jessica and Tony had brunch together Saturday..he was probably just asking for his crap back.


Anonymous said...

Well, at least Tony fumbled and choked on those titties, just like he did that fake field goal snap two years ago. I havent forgotten Tony!!.
Creepy Papa Joe Simpson is addicted to that free money. He could have made a fortune selling Amway back in the day with all his pushy tactics.

Anonymous said...

So, now Tony is his whore too? Wow.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody besides Joe get any of that cash? If not, then I call foul. Of course thats probably how he paid for that quickie fabu wedding.