Monday, May 26, 2008

Tori loves her unplanned pregnancy

On her greatest achievement: “Having my babies! Definitely. Nothing compares. I just stare at Liam every single day. I hope I don’t give him a complex! I keep wondering if he’s thinking, “Why’s this woman staring at me?” I can’t believe that he came out of me, that I gave him life. Men can be fabulous fathers. But I feel sad for them sometimes because they will never know the joy of creating a life within you. I could cry right now!"And now, the second time being pregnant, I appreciate it more. The first time I was always thinking, “I don’t feel good,” or, “Oh, I’m getting so big.” You focus on what’s happening to you. But when I had Liam, I felt a loss – he wasn’t inside me anymore. This time I appreciate every little kick, every little moment. I talk to her. The best part of being pregnant is I never feel alone.”
Call me a putz, but, I think it's nice to hear a celebrity talk about how she feels without generalizing the emotions of ALL women, like Angelina Jolie recently did. And also not preaching about how WE should raise kids like stupid little Jessica Alba who doesn't even have a kid yet (except in her belly.) Tori also says she knows she's very family, job, money. She gets it. Any celeb who's not a complete asshole is okay in my book.


Anonymous said...

yeah, she seems alright...

Anonymous said...

LOVE Tori & Dean. In fact if she is on the new 90210, I will probably try to watch it. She seems like a real person, I don't think she always was like that, Dean has changed her & she appreciates what she has more because he came from nothing.