Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's finally over!

Madonna's adoption of Malawi orphan, David Banda is final. AT LAST! It's been going on since 2006!! Hope we never hear anymore from the ridiculous officials of this backassed country. Malawi does not want non-Malawians adopting THEIR kids, but, Malawi is poor. You don't see poverty stricken villagers who can't feed their own kids lining up to adopt someone else's. I still say David Banda is the only person from Malawi who's not retarded. Congrats, David, live long and prosper.


Anonymous said...

Even the little one has a red Kaballah string. I am gonna tie one around my pecker so I stop those meat gazers at the gym from giving me evil eye.

Dirty Disher said...

Send a pic please. Heh.

Anonymous said...

David is a cutie. I think she really loves that child. I don't like Madonna, but I think she is sincere about this little boy. I think it nearly broke her marriage tho.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:39 - Just don't go naked at the gym. Simple solution to that problem. You must be proud of that thing if you wanna tie a red bow around it!

Anonymous said...

Nick Hogan needs to tie one to his noodle.

Anonymous said...

The next "It's finally over!" header we see over Madonna will be re: her marriage.

Catalina Lena-