Tuesday, May 27, 2008

John Graziano.....dead or alive?

Still think there's a chance that John Graziano, the passenger in Nick Bollea Hogan's car, might get up and walk around someday? Click HERE to decide. I warn you, it's bad. TY Miss Tia.


Anonymous said...

That poor man.

Anonymous said...

If thats real, Nick deserves 80 years not 8 mos! But honestly, it appears to be a doctored photo. It would have been merciful if that young man had died instead of this. Poor guy. His poor mother! OMG! I would have Nick Hogan killed if he did that to my son, I wouldn't care either, I'd go to prison, w/e...it wouldn't matter to me.

Anonymous said...

I am a former Marine. Esprit de Corps is the cornerstone in our beloved Corps (Semper Fidelis). When I deployed and served overseas my feelings towards my fellow servicemen (anyone wearing the flag in their uniform) grew exponentially. The most often heard phrase was "God bless you buddy, keep safe". Seems ironic in a battlezone, but the knowledge that the guy next to me, the guy behind me, the person on the other side of the radio, the pilot flying that Medevac or Close Air Support mission is thinking the same thing makes a difference. My heart aches for John. I am like an onion inside, where I peel memories of friends whom I LOVE and remember. Layer by layer I peel and remember and cry tears of pain for the loss and tears of pride for the way they lived and fought in a place where life is so cheap. My friends ran into places that most people would run out of. Not to capture a High Value target or clear a house from goat boiling cocksuckers that shoot kids and women, but to make sure I was safe, and the guy next to me was safe, and the guy behind me was safe. I love you John for your sacrifice and hope you feel no pain anymore. Thanks buddy for keeping me safe. Semper Fi!.

Anonymous said...

This whole situation is so sad... I really cannot believe that Nick Hogan has the audacity to sit in prison and complain about being bored, etc. I wonder if John's mother sits in the hospital, next to her vegetable of a son, and also complains about being bored? It would be one thing if the kid showed some remorse for what he did, but he obviously feels as though he's above remorse, regret, and most importantly, sincerity.

Anonymous said...

My gawd, that was one very handsome young Marine. Shame on the Boliea family for their recent jabs at him. I wouldn't wanna be them when a bolt of lightning strikes! Theirs will be a tragedy matched only by the agony of John Graziano.

Anonymous said...

The photos have been shopped, but I do believe the dude's in bad shape.


Anonymous said...

OMG that poor guy, and the way that the Hogans have been talking about him when they would well know what his condition is. Those people have no decency. 8 months is a joke, and he probably won't even do all of it.

Anonymous said...

there have been lots of people with worse deformed skulls surviving and leading a normal life.

You can't say that he must be damaged just because there is some sickening deformation. I even had a neigbour who had a dent the size of a tomato in his forehead - and he became an engineer.

The damage inside the head is not always related to the damage visible from the outside (and the frontal parts aren't even that important anyway ... ).

So while the picture is 'sick', it can not give a real impression of the status of his brain - more sophisticated ways are needed for that.

But after being in a coma for so long - and with all the descriptions of severe brain damage, I do not doubt, that he has become a 'vegetable'. Poor guy... hit the wrong person in that car.

Anonymous said...

This photo's been all over the 'net along with a considerable amount of commentary... and yet the only people who seem to believe it's been 'shopped are here.

In any case, I happen to think it's real and I totally agree with anon @ 11:31; If my son had been similarly victimized-- both before AND AFTER the incident... (I refuse to call it an "accident")-- I wouldn't rest until I had Nick Hogan's head on a plate.

It's mind-boggling to think he got a measly 8 months (in the protected lock-up, no less) and trust me, he will NOT serve the full sentence.

Wait and see; By summer's end if not before-- he'll be out of jail and filming his new TV show.

Bally said...

I usually just lurk, but I had to comment on this post.

It's horrible this young man has had his life ruined all because he chose to ride in a car. Meanwhile, Nick Bollea is probably going to have a long healthy life filled with ruining even more people's lives.

You just know that when Nick gets out, he'll pull a Paris and tell Larry King he discovered a love of the bible while he was in there, and he wants to open an orphanage in Africa, and he's now a better person for having served time. Yada, yada, yada.

I've got $100 that says he's in trouble with the law within 6 months of being released.

That whole family has given me a creepy vibe ever since their reality show first aired.

Anonymous said...


God Help his poor Family. I'd let him go and be at Peace.

Shame on the Hogan Family.

Anonymous said...

if this was photoshopped, you'd think they'd give him bruising...i think it's real, unfortunately....

nick hogan should be SURROUNDED by those photos in his cell....he should have to carry that photo with him the rest of his life...and if John dies, nick should be tried for murder....and hulk should be held liable too for buying the car, and the booze....

Anonymous said...

that photo just makes me want to cry and it also tells us all exactly why we are here living this goddam AWFUL life. why AWFUL because of all the pain we suffer and all the pain that some people inflict on us (look at burma for example, or caged bears in china). it made me realise that we are on this planet to learn one lesson.... compassion. it has to be that. why else are we here?

Dirty Disher said...

I had to look up Semper Fi..it means "always faithful." Very nice sentiment from someone who knows. My heart goes out to Johns family. It's easy to type that, but, it comes from a place I never wanted to know I have. Now I do know and I am so sorry for them.

I do not blame Nick for what happened to John. I blame Nick for being cold and selfish and petty and whining when he should be supporting the Graziano family.

Anonymous said...

Nick just shows a level of immaturity derived from being cuddled growing up. Hulk is trying to protect his son. Surely they have protected assets and covered every base since the divorce is ongoing, but if John is declared dead in anyway; I bet Nick would be liable for wrongful death charges and may have to pony-up future earnings(like OJ Simpson).

Anonymous said...

I don't blame Nick either, in the sense that I don't think he did this on purpose which doesn't mean I excuse him. He needs to recognize that his immature and dangerous actions resulted in this tragedy and I don't think an eight month sentence (which he won't complete) is a suitable punishment. but like you DD, I can't accept the fact that he's bad mouthing him and complaining and seems to show little sincere remorse.
As for the dent in the poor John's head, surgeons often have to remove some of the bone due to swelling. Often it is put back once the patient has recovered enough. I saw this on Oprah a year or two back, a story about a soldier with a massive head injury. He looked something like that picture of John. He did recover by the way, and I hope this poor kid does too, but it's been quite awhile now.

Dirty Disher said...

I can tell you one thing from personal experience (with Alissa). Brain injuries can be severe and look hopeless and yet patients CAN recover against all odds. I hope this happens to John. It's a long shot..for sure.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Alissa?? Can you talk about it? OMG!

Dirty Disher said...

Yep. Lis has Chiari. She's had three major brain surgeries so far. They were so inovative she's had medical journal articles written about her and a news special. Parts of her brain were removed due to atrophy and them receding down into her spine causing paralisis and seizures. She's also has spinal meningitis and hydrocephalus.Some of the surgeons gave us some pretty harsh expectations.
Despite all the odds...Lissa would not give up and has not only gained her motor functions back, she is extremely bright and whole. I am greatful beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

DD...I didn't know about Lissa. I am so happy that she is doing so well and has a family that loves her. I had no clue about her illness! Her pictures don't show anything. She's beautiful & seems perfect. I know she has to wear glasses, but so did my kids, so I didn't think about that much. Thanks for sharing. You seem like a person that would rather walk 100 miles outta her way rather than ask for sympathy. So, I get it. Love you girl.

Dirty Disher said...

Thank you, and a big hug. Lissa was also declared legally blind, but, I fought that and she can now see with the help of lenses. She's a brave girl for real and knows she has to go to the hospital sometimes, she rarely complains. For the most part, right now..she's normal and happy. I will post some photos of what she went thru and her scars if you're curious. But, thanks for your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah. If John was a marine before, how can you even tell the difference? Anyway, the real tradgedy here is that the MDs chose to "save" this dude who should obviously been allowed to die. If he was my brother I'd put him out of his misery.

Anonymous said...

You have to be the strongest person ever. I know Lissa had her problems, but I never imagined. A great big hug to both of you.


Dirty Disher said...

TY Cat. The support of people who care has helped. We don't need sympathy, but, good thoughts are always welcome. I will miss my son forever, but, I'm greatful to have my grand daughter still here against all dire predictions. Life is a crap shoot, but, you can't give up or you'll miss something good. Liss is good.

Anonymous said...

My God DD. I had no idea. I would love to see the photos, not to be morbid, but, I'm curious what your baby has overcome. I never heard of Chairi. Bless you both.

Anonymous said...

get of nicks case already if john had been wearing his seatbelt he may have beeen ok!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i agreee nick should of slowed down but what the f*** was john doing with his seatbelt off anyways everybody knows driveing or rideing without a seatbelt is just stupid and i think johns going 2 get up and walk the min his family get money he make a recovery

Anonymous said...

To the second Anonymous post,

You think that death begets death? An eye for an eye? wow, okay, it’s your life, but I would think that you would have to answer to that in the end as well, just like Nick would be.


Anonymous said...

Personal responsibility people - Wear a F*ing seatbelt!! Its not Nicks fault, its not Nicks dads fault, its not the Toyota's fault, its not the tree's fault, ITS JOHNS FAULT! I'm sure you liberals sissy's will think I'm being mean, but I always find that to be a clear indication that someone is being a realist.