Monday, May 26, 2008

Kardashian ASS

Last night the Kardashians had some junk in the trunk special. I always thought Kim had a great ass. You know, like big, but she's famous for it. I guess I'd only seen it in clothes. Last night when I wasn't expecting it, Kim pulls her pants down and moons the camera. Damn! That was a lot of junk! Not putting her looks down, she's gorgeous, but, FUCK! It was huge. She's got muffin top, shakey belly, thunder thighs, cottage cheese. I had no idea. I was actually ducking a little, fearing I'd get smacked in the face with giant flapping Kardashian ass cheek. I hope she doesn't do that again.


Anonymous said...

The size of her ass almost matches her ego. After Ray J pissed on her on video I just can't look at her and think "yummy". Why is she famous? Is that her talent? Having a sex tape and employing a legion of airbrush artists to trim and shape her pictures?. Too bad because she is pretty, but what an attitude!.

Anonymous said...

There's probably some highly complex physics equation 'behind' how she manages to get that massive ass into those jeans.

Anonymous said...

I only wish my ass looked that good! Seriously! I've got a muffin top, cellulite, thunder thighs, all that, and my shit doesn't look NEAR that good! I guess it's all how it's put together!

Anonymous said...

She would be even prettier if she didn't act like a bimbo, slut. Especially that par'ass, like, baby voice. Arrrrggghhh! it's so annoying.

Dirty Disher said...

I know, they're all anoying, but, I have to admit, they are a pretty family.

Anonymous said...

Rob is the cutest & apparently the nicest kid they've got.

Anonymous said...

I would take a meat cleaver to that thing. Thats not attractive. I don't care what any of you say. & thats the reason she's with a black man. THEY like that sh**.

Anonymous said...

Racist much????