Friday, May 23, 2008

Lindsay and Sam do Cannes

Cute outfit, Blow! I like it. As for Ronson, she owns one hat, one pair of super skinny jeans and 700 white T-shirts with radio emblems on them. That's okay. People wonder what Lindsay sees in Sam. Look at those hands! I'll bet that chick can roll a joint in two seconds flat! I'll bet she doesn't even use spit, not that Lindsay would mind sharing spit with Sam, but, we're talking talent here. The girl has skilz, people. Yep, SKILZ..I said it.


Anonymous said...

SAm reminds me of Jughead from the Archie cartoons!.

Anonymous said...

She IS a cartoon. WHY is LL at Cannes anyway? WHY?????? & how did she afford to go? Her allowance? Must have gotten an increase. Or did she sell a couple of pair of leggings? I just for the life of me cannot figure out how in the he** she is able to afford to even be there. That goes for lots of losers that are there. I don't understand. If it's THAT cheap to go there, why aren't we all there?

Dirty Disher said...

They were already in France for some party gig Lindsay scored, so I reckon they just hit Cannes while they were there.

Anonymous said...

Wrong. She's in Cannes b/c she's a major actress people.

I bet Sam's hat smells good since she wears it every f*cking day and nite.

Dirty Disher said...

Damn, you're right. She's a huge star. WTF is my problem today? :)