Friday, May 23, 2008

Miley Cyrus has an addiction

Miley is addicted to sending soft porn jailbait photos to her little boy friends and posting them on her private My Space. These were for Nick Jonas. If it's so private how come they keep getting leaked? I find them kind of funny, 15 year olds taking sexy pics of themselves are just funny. But, it's time for Billy Ray and his wife to step up and take her My Space and or her computer away for awhile. I still don't find this as disturbing as Ali Lohan. I guess because these were meant for a young boy, while Ali is encouraged by her own mother to put her sexuality out there for everyone.


Anonymous said...

I am the father of a 13 year old girl. My constant reminder to her is to "enjoy being a teenager and don't try growing up too fast". The bottom line is that parents have to get involved in doing things with kids. I tell her I love her no matter what, and to be her own person. My next project will be reading Voltaire's "Candide" with both my kids. The historic reference in the book may ignite conversations about old Europe, but the main message of cultivating your garden is the point I want to drive home.
Self awareness and a feeling of belonging to a family (even bi-nuclear) is what I pray will give y kids the confidence to not do these stupid things. Sorry for the rant DD.

Dirty Disher said...

No problem. I enjoyed reading it. Voltaire, huu? Cool. I liked Betty and Veronica at 15. Oh, and Mad Mag..I was such a rebel.

Anonymous said...

Miley isn't exactly a beautiful girl, I don't get the hoopla. She's cute & all, average, but in no way gorgeous. She likes her undies tho again, I see. Those Jonas boys have taken a vow of celibacy, they better get away from Miley. She's out to get laid, asap!

Anonymous said...

who you kiddin'...Tiger Beat babee! If I didn't have the 25 cents for it, one of us would usually have the balls to steal it. Isn't that awful? I know. And we were probably 10 years old! I am so ashamed. eh...not really. It was 25 cents people! All the Archies were da' bomb! & Superman, Supergirl esp. I used to dream of being Supergirl! anon dad 10:58 reminds me of those moms in the park on Baby Boom! Their super preschool educated babies that were scaring my girl Diane Keaton! Take the kids to a museum, they will "get" that way more than you reading some deep junk to them. Art makes a permanent impression dude.

Dirty Disher said...

Tiger Beat! With Bobby Sherman, Mark Lindsay, Peter Noone, Dino, Desi, and Billy, Davey Jones, ALL the Monkeys, Leonard Whiting..and the love of my young life...David Cassidy! Sigh. I remember Tiger Beat did an interview with then hot Leonard Whiting (Romeo) and he said he'd could never love a girl who didn't iron around her buttons. I thought he was a shit head after that. But, then Olivia Hussey (Juliet) married hot young Dean Paul Martin after he saw her in that movie and fell in love. Oh, the memories! For 25 cents..good grief!

Anonymous said... know me, from Indy. Gawd, girl, we are OLD!!! LOL! I'm the one that sent you the pics of my kids? I am also anon 11:10. OMFG! Leonard in the hell did you remember that hot young thing? Dino was a god. Damn when he got killed I cried! I remember I was probably 11 when R&J came out and the movie poster was all about the guys "junk" in those tights and costumes. We were quite enthralled by that, trust me, 11 years old you start thinking. We laughed so hard at those pictures, I mean those guys were hot! It was so funny, I'm laughing now thinking about that moment in the theater lobby when we 1st saw that poster & my BFF started flipping out about the guys tights! We probably pissed ourselves. But I did go back & see the movie, it was fabulous. I remember kinda having a crush on the guy that played Mercucio. He was awesome.I even bought the Love Theme on 45 & ruined it! I played it to death. Yeah, he was one hottie back in the day DD. Don't remember the ironing & the buttons thing. Now thats funny! I was probably too busy ripping the page out & taping it to my wall! Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Anonymous said...

@10:58 I lol'ed-

telling her to not grow up too fast, but at the same time forcing her to read Voltaire?

That is fucked up. Seriously. How about reading something more fitting for her age? Like a good biology book?

If you want to do something good to her, tell her about condoms, STD's, how to read the signs and how to act accordingly. That her doctor is her friend.

15, 16 year olds aren't 'kids' anymore. They are hormone drunk little proto-adults (without the brain). They have found use for the stuff below the belt line and they want to try it. So make sure they are prepared for THAT, not some Disney-like 'happy family and virigins until marriage' crap.

In my school ALL girls have had sex when they were 16. Without exemption. And at the other two schools it wasn't different. None of them were pregnant - why?

Because in some countries the younglings are prepared for puberty before it becomes series. Condoms are cheap, and allmost all the girls take 'the pill' anyway.

Has its advantages ....

Anonymous said...

Miley is no different from every other girl on MySpace. They enjoy taking pix of themselves that look "hot". It's the new tech world we live in - it's so quick & easy to take & share pix.

Anonymous said...

Anyone here read Candide in High School?. It's the original Forrest Gump, not a "grown up" book at all, and it deals with sex and love and the mistakes people make in life when they don't work on themselves. Pangloss and Cunegonde are characters still relevant today. If all the girls in a school had already had sex at 16 years old maybe they should have stayed in grammar class "without exemption".
Condoms, STD's, Sex and drugs I am sure are being covered to the hilt among her friends, that is why my relationship is one that she can feel comfortable approaching me and talking about it.

Anonymous said...

Miley pose is typical MySpace whore photos.
sad but true aye this new generation !!

Anonymous said...

If condoms, STDs and contraception are 'dealt among the friends' why are so many teenagers pregnant in the USA?

Face it, some countries and parents do it right (you can't stop them, so prepare them). Some don't. USA are top among the 'don't' countries.

What is wrong with sex with 15 or 16? Nothing! As long as they are prepared.

Anonymous said...

OMG, my daughter is grown now but thank the higher power that I do not have to deal with this shit...
She is 27 now and we did get a computer late in her teens but she was not on-line. I don't know what I would do, but I think it would start with the computer being put in a public place in the house. While I know that little girls posting sexy pics of themselves online seems to be the norm lately, it scares me shitless..As you can see, Mileys private pics are everywhere, so could the pics of anyones daughter, niece, grandaughter etc...Kind of a scary world we live in.


Anonymous said...

Agreed. There is no way my children could have had time to get in trouble or sufficient time to be having sexual relations. Sadly in the times we live in girls and boys grow up too fast, and think that because they are having sex at such a young age they are behaving maturely. I may be naive; but sixteen is just too young to give yourself up to someone for no other reason other than because you can. If you feel a connection with someone, being physically close to that person should suffice. Loving someone and fucking are two very different things.

Anonymous said...

Well, there have been whores in junior high and high school since forever.

I'm not sayin that b/c she is exposing her underwear that she is having sex or is easy. Needless to say, she is sending a message. And, unfortunately, we are all witnesses to said message.

What is important here is that she is idolized by so many little girls including my neices who have seen her in concert and have some of her toys. She is, therefore, an influence. So, it's up to parents to have a conversation with their kids, IF they are fans of Miley Cyrus.

What is also important here is that her parents have NOT interveined, unless these pics are old.

Anyway, I think it's sad b/c she may regret this later and there will always be a record of this underaged decision she has made.

Anonymous said...

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't "Candide" a satire about someone who, at one point, has half of their ass cut off? Just because it's old and French doesn't mean it's super serious.

Anonymous said...

At twelve I was reading Tiger Beat and doing "serious" sketches of my future husband, Taylor Hanson. At 15 I borrowed a copy of 'The Fountainhead' by Ayn Rand for school's "STFU and read" program or whatever it was called, and I haven't been the same since! If I could read that at 15 I'm sure anon's kid can handle Voltaire. It really just depends on the person, I guess. I get so discouraged when teenagers send me comments about Miley Cyrus or Chris Brown and I can't read a word of the text speak language, so it's refreshing to see that today's youth isn't TOTALLY going to hell in a hand basket! Whoa. Did I just say that? God, I'm old! :)

Anonymous said...

And I certainly wasn't taking photos of myself in my undies for boys. Then again, I was tall, bony, awkward, wore glasses thick as coke bottles, and had a Beatles haircut. Boys weren't really knocking my door down at that age!

PS: I just realized that I incorporated text speak into my comment. And that I do often. In fact, I almost just said "OMG!" I'm going to get off here and go read something!

Anonymous said...

Whoever said that Miley isn't a beautiful girl you need to sut up and look in the mirror youself dummy. Miley is a beautiful girl!!!!!!!!!!