Nicole Kidman to Heat magazine: “It’s a pity they have been manipulated by the father to distance themselves from me.”…“They are closer to their new mom now,” she admitted.
Are you kidding me??? She's already admitted they don't call her mom anymore and Keith Urban admitted he didn't really know them, but, this shocked me. "New Mom??!!" Gawd, grow some balls and kick some ass, those are your kids!
No, those kids belong to Zenon or Zebar or Mork from Ork. Read your Scientology Bible DD!!! Duh!
Ya they're not really her kids. No one could fight an organization like S.and win and the informed world knows she didn't choose to be apart from them.
They might wake up and realize they don't like S. and leave it to reunite with her, like some other S. kids have done.
I feel sorry for her, she must have been feeling a lot of loss for many years over this, but you can't control other people no matter how right you are.
sounds like somebody that has surrendered & just gave up. Sadly. Probably tired of all the infighting. But I wouldn't ever call my kids step-mom their "new" mom! Not in a jillion years. I would still be their mom, always & forever, even if they didn't like it. Tuff! Gawd, esp for adopted children, they'd feel so passed around & unwanted...again!
I think that girl child (Isabella?) was stolen from Bruce and Demi at birth. Jawline is suspicious!
Nicole knows the shitstorm that would ensue if she ever went against Tom. Her only hope is that those kids will one day leave the cult and realize that Tom is quack. As for Katie; she looks like the light inside has gone out. She used to look so happy and girlie and fun. Now she has the look of a preson trapped in a bubble. Her fault.
I rented 2 movies this weekend. "mad Money" & "Over Her Dead Body". I rent them from the $1 box at McD's. Cheap! Anyway, Katie is in Mad Money & she's cute & funny in it. I was watching & remembering how they were saying that Tom was on set all the time. She was married in that movie, I was thinking, how'd Tommy do with that? But the movie is pretty good, worht the $1 I spent. Of course Queen Latifa & Diane Keaton are always worth my time. "Over Her Dead Body" is very good. I have never seen Eva Longoria in anything before, but it was soo good. But Katie was good is my point, her bulb has gone out but I don't think she's dead.
Thanks for the review..I'll rent them both now.
Well, apparently "old mom" doesn't give a shit and she'll have "new kid" soon enough anyway. What a lot of retards.
i'm really surprised that she has come out and outed tom for alienating the kids from her. she must have reached a point where she has lost hope and may as well tell it like it is.
the kid on the right has it down, look at the "can you believe this shit" look on the face...
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