Will: “What I found is divorce just can’t be an option. It’s really that simple. And I think that’s the problem with L.A. – there are so many options. So a huge part of the success for [Jada] and I is that we just removed the other options. We’re like listen, we’re going to be together one way or the other so we might as well try to be happy.”
Crazy, but, he makes sense. If you divorce a spouse for any mundane reason, you will probably end up with another spouse you can't stand in a year. People bore each other, people irritate each other..that's a fact. Get passed the boring stage and it becomes the comfortable stage and that can last forever. Also, get your own bathroom. People who share bathrooms almost always get divorced. Good advice from someone who's vowed to be eternally single, huu? Ehhh, it's my blog and I'll spout poo if I want to.
Will is a good guy, great dad & good husband. Jada, we don't know too much about. She tries to be a rocker. She seems ok to me. My daughters bf told her that when they get married that he is removing the word "divorce" from the dictionary. Of course people say alot of things that they don't follow thru on. Will seems to be a genuine true blue good guy all around. Him & Tom Hanks=Good guys.
I agree..I just hope neither one goes Scientology or I'll puke.
The fact that they have an "open marriage" doesn't hurt either!
Its worked for Dolly & Carl for 40 years! She has talked about it, they just keep their private lives from each other. "Don't ask, don't tell" ain't just for the Army!
real reason he is scared of her. she looks like one mean little woman who cut his manhood off
Will Smith was married before Jada....divorce was an option at one time!
Will & Jada will be together forever because he's free to do whatever he pleases. And I mean WHAT-ever. It's not well-known, but the fact is he's Hollywood's most rabid poon-hound. I have first-hand info on this.
Apparently some people have a vastly-different definition of "Good guy/Great husband." material.
BTW, As anon 10:33 wrote, Will *is* divorced (from Sheree Zampino/1995). So much for his anti-divorce stance. Also, when he married Jada he had her sign a killer of a pre-nup! (whatta guy)
I wish you weren't so accurate. I hate that you hit it right on the nose. My husband and I have been together for 15 years and moved into a new house a year ago, he no longer has his own bathroom and is "sharing" with all of us. Sharing his shitty drawers, hairy razors and toe nail clippings. I hate it and he thinks it's funny and that I'm kidding. I REALLLY HATE IT! The house is fabulous, but the custom hisnher bathroom is over-priced bullshiiiite. HELP, I'm gonna be on snapped...
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