Friday, May 23, 2008

The "new" pips

OMG...I loved this so much I just had to post it. People always ask the dumb question (usually when booze is involved) "What album or song would you take if you were going to be stuck on an island and had to choose?" If it's an album, I always pick In Utero by Nirvana, but, one song? Gotta be Gladys Knight and The Pips doing Midnight Train to Georgia. It's my fav song of all time. And The Pips had the BEST BEST BEST part. I recorded myself once, playing it and singing the main part JUST so I could do The Pip part. I do a kick ass Pip. I should put that on You Tube for all our amusment. I am beyond embarassment when it comes to my love of Motown. You may bestow the Queen Of Dork crown now. I will wear it proudly.
So, what song would YOU take to a deserted island???


Anonymous said...

awesome song DD. I love it too. In Utero as well. But Nirvana would be a bummer 24-7. Love it but I need a dance groove too. The Pips at least get the groove going and we could dance with the island natives, until AJ comes & adopts them! :(

Anonymous said...

Persephone by Dead Can Dance

you can't sing it, but you can find something new everytime you hear it.

(or Unter der Linden by Qntal. The text is a little bit older, ~800 years, but the adaption is great)

Anonymous said...

One song is pretty hard and you would almost surely get tired of it pretty quick. As far as albums go I would take Bjork "Post" lots of different sounds for feeling happy or sad. One song I would take The Cure "Love Cats" cause it's happy. Ironically enough I am NOT an 80's child go figure!!!

Anonymous said...

Woo Woo!

I don't know what song I'd take, but can I opt to take Robert Downey Jr. on a deserted island with me instead?

Anonymous said...

I used to play In Utero and Nevermind almost nonstop for years. Somehow, I would never have pegged you as such a big Nirvana fan, Dishy. I really do wonder how different music would be today if Kurt were still might actually still be good...maybe nobody would have even heard of Britney Spears et al. :(

I wish I could add an all-time favourite song here, but I have WAY too many to ever choose. I would be lost without my Neil Young music, though. But I really do like your choice, DD. I remember listening to Midnight Train to Georgia on my little transistor radio. I must have been 11, 12 years old. It still takes me right back every time I hear it.

I would love to hear you singing...go for it!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh DD, a girl after my own heart....I was born in 1953 so Motown was a big part of my growing up years even though I turned into a big rock fan as I grew up. Have to say that though I fell in love with Chicago, Moody Blues, Zep etc..Motown still remained one of my favorite styles of music. One of my, if not my favorite artists was Marvin Gaye, just an amazing man so I think I would take some of his music with me.

PS: Now you all know how old I am LOL!

Anonymous said...

Rufus & Chaka Khan's Tell Me Something Good...LOVE that song and that's what i'd pick if i had to pick only ONE....

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, man the memories! Moody Blues, Question Of Balance (my first boy friend bought it for me, age 16)..Marvin Gaye, love him to death, Chaka and Rufus..tell me somethin' good..drove all the way to Jersey to see her sing it in person. Took my little boy with me and Rufus opened for the Stones. Outdoor concert, no seats..right in front two feet away. Holy moley..we had a time. No wonder my son became a musician.