Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rant of the day

From Hollyscoop..OrphanAid Africa which is a non-profit organization with a mission to help orphans and vulnerable children in Ghana, West Africa, together with Margherita Maccapani Missoni, have partnered with members of the fashion world to raise awareness and funds for African children in need. Jewelry designer Ileana Makri, the Missoni family, hip-hop producer Damon Dash, his fashion designer wife Rachel Roy and fashion stylist Rachel Zoe have already pledged their support and are currently designing products whose profits will go to OrphanAid Africa. Each designer will have a limited edition piece that will be available from exclusive retailers for a month, with a less expensive version of the item released on a much broader scale with a larger retailer. Greek jewelry designer, Ileana Makri, will kick off the project by creating an African inspired bracelet. The design was inspired by a pattern she discovered in an African fabric, and the shape of the "O" itself was modeled after the O in the OrphanAid Africa logo.
The kicker here, for me, was the part about "raising awareness"..WTF? Aren't we ALL aware of the plight of African orphans by now? Shut the fuck up and pledge ALL the money to the kids, not educating us peasants on things we already know and have heart for. Stuck up, pretentious, insulting, potentially rip off designers! Also an "O" does not symbolize your fucking money sucking is a circle and symbolizes eternity. AND, that bracelet is boring and could have been "designed" by a brain damaged monkey. You fucking lamers. Rachel Zoe spends more on monthly Botox than most of us make in a year.


Anonymous said...

why couldn't they have an african design something??? or have the items made by african craftsmen/women???

fucking idiots....and gee, rich bitches will buy a $800 bracelet and claim they're doing a good deed and then go on with their day decided what orderves to serve with cocktails before they go to the theater that night....

Anonymous said...

Where is all the money from the countless aid concerts and pledged funds from the UN?. Koffi Anan should be jailed in a Sudanese prison for turning his back on his people. He did nothing for Africa while being Secretary General except lining his and his son's pockets. He was almost as corrupt as a Latin American President, those guys get in office barely rich and when they leave office they buy islands to retire in. "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Anonymous said...

How about helping OUR kids HERE in the good ole USA?! We have plenty of starving, sick children in need right here in America.

Anonymous said...

I think we should legalize Marijuana. Cnanada makes hundreds of millions (second only to their lumber and construction). With all that money and resources from hemp products we could easily afford health care and education subsidies to provide top notch services. Netherlands is another case study, I wonder what weed related crimes they have recorded.

Anonymous said...

Slightly off topic of african orphans but related ( I guess ) to the fashion industry....

I nearly crapped myself last friday when, shopping for a gift for my 8 year old neice, I saw 'americans next top model' barbie dolls!!!!!

I sickened me.

they had before and after pics and all. It was really gross.

Anonymous said...

AMEN anon 7:42!!!!!

Dirty Disher said...

Oh geeez, pissy, you know I'm gonna have to look that up.