Friday, May 23, 2008

What do you think of this quote?

“I’ve never even considered teaching a woman magic. Women are supposed to stay home figuring out how to make cookies. Rabbits have their function in the show, birds have their function in the show, and women have their function in a magic show — that’s to assist the magician.” — Rocco, Celebracadabra
Whoa! I don't know about his phony prestidigitation, but, historically, real magic has always been considered a female art. I know a couple of talented crones who could make his dick fall off in about two minutes from across the ocean. I don't think this douche is too bright.


Anonymous said...

who exactly is this twerp? He is such a caveman....all women hate him now, ya' know?

Anonymous said...

It means he's insecure about his manhood if he needs to categorize like that.

I agree I think he's a dumbass. Poor sop.

Anonymous said...

I have no clue who he is, never even heard of him before, but clearly he's a very clever Neanderthal. He speaks in full sentences, he does magic tricks...he should go back to his own time; he'd impress the hell out of his fellow cave people.

He's far too ignorant to even understand real magick, Dishy. Hell, he's too stupid to know that he just completely alienated half his audience.


Anonymous said...

"Abra-Abra cadabra...I wanna reach out and grab ya' " I couldn't help it. I got that song in my head now and was trying to release it from my brain. Didn't work.

Anonymous said...

I see his sex life magically disspearing.

Anonymous said...

probably catholic.

Anonymous said...

I think he's doing his own version of a "sex tape", y'know.
...makin' waves in order to draw attention to himself.

Dirty Disher said...

"I see his sex life magically disspearing."......LMFAOOOOO!