Sunday, May 25, 2008

Why is this picture on here?

Two reasons..the first one being that most of you lazy bums didn't send me any Sunday pictures this week. Shame on you! The second reason is that my mother wants me to move into my son's house. Hmm. I've had a month to think on that and have decided I will. In time. Free house. How can that be a bad thing? Because it's not a fancy house, it's made out of whatever that cottage in the photo is made out of, and I don't even know wtf that is. Cement? Stucco? Whatever. It needs a shitload of work. It was Eric's bachelor pad and he used it when he was in town. He also had a place in East Hollywood, but, that was a rental, so I'll never see it. His Iowa house is stuffed floor to ceiling with tech stuff, musical equipment and antique beer signs. One of his friends took a huge amp out yesterday because the band can still use it. There's plenty of amps left and I have no use for an amplifier as big as a camper. I'm loud enough unplugged. Trust me.
So, I saw this photo and I thought, dang, that's charming. I can do charming. A charming little cottage. I think I can really do this. The other problem with the house's right next to my mother. I mean RIGHT NEXT TO MY MOTHER. Oh, geeez. Oh, it has a great little fenced in back yard. I never knew it had a yard. I told Casey J and she was like "Eric had a yard!?" Then she got pensive and said "He probably didn't know he had a yard..unless there was a hot chick in a bikini out there holding up a six pack..." and I chimed right in with " one hand and a Telecaster in the other hand!" We started laughing so hard. Memories and laughter are good. So is landscaping, and I'm gonna have fun with that.
So, this being my diary on Sundays, you can look foreward to stories of the renovation, being pissed off about the renovation, not having enough money to do all the renovation, how small the place is, me wondering why the hell Eric built a loft bedroom my fat ass can't climb into, my mother irritating the shit out of me, fights with my brother over the shared driveway, what a dump mom's place is...and a million other things. But, I now have an all paid for house. I'd much rather have my son, that goes without saying, but, now I own a house. It will be alright. Right? Miss Tia can give me painting tips. Heh. Don't forget to send me some pics next Sunday. Okay?


Anonymous said...

sorry about no pix this week! once i finish my front yard (working on it NOW)...i'll send a pix of that...then i have the jungle AKA side yard to work on.... :)

send me a pix of the house and i'll give ya paint ideas! though that pix you posted is great...AND charming!

Anonymous said...

oh hey....i DID email you a week ago or so about classic gossip---my 1958 national enquirer and brad pitt's peen....did ya get those emails? no, no attachments...just asking what/if you wanted them...

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks! You know I'll be taking before and afters and bitching for a But, I really DO like your house and the different way you painted it. Took balls.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh..emailing you now.

Anonymous said...

NO DON"T DO IT! (sorry for shouting). Moving in next to a mother means this: You get a free house to live in for a year, then a free prison to live in for the next thirty.Matricide is inevitable.

Anonymous said...

wait til the polka dots get on my house!!! :) i have ladder issues, so i won't get up there and paint 'em (2nd floor height, i can handle 1st floor height)...

and i've decided i'm painting my fence in different colors...the section by the front yard will be either pastel pink or pastel yellow...long part by street orange sherbert, by garage pale aqua....then on those colors will be murals and/or geometric patterns....

yard wise, i got a barbie plane treasure hunting this year and i'm gonna either have 'crashed' in my yard or i'm gonna hang it from a tree with fishing line like it crashed there and then have ZOMBIE barbies on the ground!!! yes, i am really rather strange....i'm also a freak who 'rescues' the plants at stores that need water and are wilting...

Dirty Disher said...

I hear ya anon. I do. But, I'm constantly having to run over there anyhow, this might make it easier.

Dirty Disher said...

Tia..I'm a plant rescuer too. I hate it when the seasons over and stores throw live plants in the dumpster. It's so mean and some are perrenials! Now I have a place to put the poor things.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea to give it a try. You could always fix it up a bit and sell it if things didn't work out. Either way, it's a win-win situation. Have to tell you you are brave to go live next door to your Mom. I love my Mother to pieces but could never, ever live that close to her, or to my mother-in-law either for that matter.


Anonymous said...

It looks like a really sweet house but gosh, moving next door to your mother... That has to be either very brave or very stupid. Either way I am sure that we will get to hear lots of interesting stories because of it. How far is it from your old house?

Dirty Disher said...

Across town, real small town. I live in an apartment complex. I love my apartment, but, the neighbors are unbearable.

Anonymous said...

Ah, right. I had forgotten about the grizzly brothers. Maybe living next door to your mother won't be so bad after all. :)

Anonymous said...

Living next to your mother versus no more stolen bras, no more grease brothers, no more apartment living...sounds like a fair trade to me. I'd do anything to get out of my apartment, short of moving in with my mother. But next door isn't so bad, DD, as long as you have a good lock on your doors and she doesn't have the spare keys!

You'll see. It'll be fun fixing up the place and working on the back yard. And just think how much fun Bee Bee and Lissa will have :)


Anonymous said...

Happy for you.

Are you thinking up a creative good-bye for the Grease Brothers? I would be tempted to do something awesomely rude as a farewell - but that's just evil ol' me.

I'll get you a pic of me looking goth if it will make you happy.

Anonymous said...

I'm more wondering about Eric's presence than the closeness of your mom's.
Have a blast giving it your own touch!

Anonymous said...


I'm happy for you too and I think you're going to have a blast putting your own signature on the cottage. The "mother" angle of this project has been duly-hashed, so I'll spare ya. You certainly know what you're doing, and besides-- under the circumstances and considering the upheaval of recent weeks, there's no such thing as "too much family togetherness".

I wish you the very best of luck and much happiness in your new home.


Anonymous said...

Wow, a french country cottage in the middle of Iowa - sounds great!
I hope you get company to suite the rest of the decor - you know, charming people like crabbie.

I painted my house last year using a French country house as my inspiration for colours, but the overall look is quite different.

I say go for it and enjoy yourself and let your mom complications slide off your back as soon as they arise.

Anonymous said...

I am happy that you will be living in a house now & not by those cavemen fire cookers. Your son is happy too that you will be making it your home. So what your mom lives next door? Big deal. You can deal with it. She's funny anyway and she wants you closer for those Dollar General treks. You will make it a very cool house. Just do it as you can. You will love that yard. And you can always be that much closer to Eric living there! So, I take it he was divorced?

Anonymous said...

"I'm loud enough unplugged" - ok that seriously made me laugh out loud DD lol.

I am glad you decided to move there. I think that will be really great for you for many reasons and sure you will have some great stories to bitch about here to us, but you would anyways with your neighbours where you are lol.

Maybe some times - "Same shit, different day", but you will be in a house - how nice is that lol.

You are a person that decides on things and then makes the best of the situation, and you will here too.

A yard, ohh DD, you can have a little garden - as you know, that is so therapeutic and good for soul.

I truly beleive "nothing is set in stone" - try it, if you find you dont' like it, or its getting too much for you or whatever, well you can always rent it out and move somewhere else. You will never know till you try.


PS - I smiled throughout this post because I see the fire back in ya DD and it is so nice to see :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE cottages and think they are much character..Me personally I'd do it. If you're over at your Mom's all the time anyway I'd do it..I love charm :)


Anonymous said...

yep!!! moving into eric's place is the closest you can get to him and it is definitely a great, happy outcome. i think its is a really, really good idea. i love it. it will be good to get away from your neighbours and i know that you and your mum will do fine. it sounds fantastic and there is nothing better than having your own place. definitely do it. am posting the soup book and i can already smell some greating cooking smells coming from eric's place in the future!! sorry about now pics but i'm not really a full on pic taker.

Dirty Disher said...

It's settled then. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

some renovation shots of my bathroom coming over for next sunday.