Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Woody Harrelson..one strange duck

Woody Harrelson has a great idea. He wants to go to an island alone and starve himself for 40 days. Okay.
"I’ve always wanted to do it, he says. I know it’s going to be really hard. But can you imagine it? Eating nothing for 40 days? Swimming and surfing every day in a remote place? Where does the mind go?"
What mind? You need to worry more about your Mari-hoonie supply, Woody. This dude is going to get the munchies so bad we'll see pap helicopter photos of him chewing driftwood and pooping out sand dollars. The little crabs are your friends, Woodster, really!


Anonymous said...

New reality series in the making. A celeb alone on an island for 40 days.

Anonymous said...

i know someone who's husband had this delusion he lived on golf course for 40 days and fasted, only drank water from the creek and meditated...apparently there's something in the bible that jesus did something like that....

never knew jesus fasted at a golf course....

so maybe woody is having some kind of religious delusion?? he smokes way too much weed

Dirty Disher said...

Michael Lohan plays golf with Jesus. We should ask him.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing...Posh hasn't eaten in five years.

Anonymous said...

Woody isn't a celeb anymore

Anonymous said...

I thot that said "One strange dick"...well, I'm sure thats true also.