Lindsay: “People are more interested in seeing me slipping in the rain than my acting.”"Thank you so much for being nice. You know, people may think I’m this and that, but I’m not a bad person. I’m really not."
Dear Blow, I don't think you're a bad person, but, you have to face up to the fact that you're yesterdays news. There are new ho's on the block now. I don't even care if you slip in the rain. Though that would be better than your acting. The press is saying the world has "Lohan fatigue." We don't hate you, though, we hate the rest of your family. Real bad. Time for you to marry Sam and go live where the paps can't chase you. All three of them. Good luck.
Dear Blow, I don't think you're a bad person, but, you have to face up to the fact that you're yesterdays news. There are new ho's on the block now. I don't even care if you slip in the rain. Though that would be better than your acting. The press is saying the world has "Lohan fatigue." We don't hate you, though, we hate the rest of your family. Real bad. Time for you to marry Sam and go live where the paps can't chase you. All three of them. Good luck.
I watched 15 minutes of Living Lohan last night. I Tivo'd 2 episodes to be fair and try to give the show a chance. It sucks. Ali is getting set up for failure by her Mom. Dina is plain desperate to make a living off her daughters. She seems to be obsesed with tabloid scrutiny and threatens lawsuits at every turn.
How the hell does Little House on the Prarie get on the cover of Style?!?!
Ali already has "cigarette" voice. Nice goin' there mom. And all I saw was acommercial for this mess & I am NOT watching. I did succumb to Denise Richards show however. I had to cover my eyes when the dog eating pig crap part came on, thanks DD for the warning. Her dad seems wonderful tho. He has been thru alot & doesn't really look that old but was married what did she say 34 years? 37 years? My gawd. He is a good man. And now he's helping her with her kids and has a purpose in life. He seems to really want to be with them there. Her tears at the bar-b-Q seem genuine. I was thinking "Now, don't make me like you, bitch!"
Yesterday's news is right. I never was a big fan, never found her very talented really. I also don't understand why she and her sister look so OLD!! Ok, I know Lindsay had (has?) some drug/alcohol problems but still she's only 21 and looks more like 30 something. She is loooking more and more like her mother's sister. And Ali? I cannot believe this kid is 14.
I feel sorry for these kids, their parents are horrible.
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